Wonderful opportunities, Great News and a Huge thanks, BUT PLEASE be patient

marisaofdallas's Avatar
Hey there,

I know I havent been heard from in almost 2 weeks, well I dont know if any of you read the last ad I posted in reference to a new opportunity, a new job, that was offered to me, including school...

Its been amazing!! I am however, burning the candle at both ends,...

My hours and days for this new opportunity with the worlds largest financial institution, the hours are hard to manage and still work as a provider, but I AM DOING IT, seeing as I dont actually see my first paycheck for 3 weeks, lol, and bills still gotta be paid, lol

MY life has taken a complete turn for the better, i havent been this happy and this productive and doing well, IN MONTHS, maybe even YEARS,

Ive got a great attitude, even whem I am so tired, I am still happy to see you guys and go into work and school 100%

SO why am i writing here? I just received a call that put things into perspective, I had an awesome last 2 weeks, but this week has been very problematic, what i mean, is people have been unusually rude and problematic and ive received alot of prank calls , fake appointments and no call no shows

BUT I am still trying to do make up sessions for "prepay" sessions and also find time to generate money that I need for everyday expenses

I am available as much as I can be, and I never ignore texts, emails or calls,

This gent from a 714 area code, that had prepaid, we spoke 2 weeks ago, maybe 3....
We werent able to meet because of my need to be in school early, so we agreed maybe next time he was here, BUT a day or two later, we instead discussed me paying him back...

And it was then when his horrible attitude began

I felt bad that we couldnt meet and I thought paying him back would be a cinch< so I promised on the 28th that I would try and have it by the 10th of this month, THATS TODAY

we spoke tonight and he was very upset that I hadnt sent money back by the 10th of this week, I had said I would do so , with best intentions, and full responsibility to do so,

I had this opportunity come 3 weeks ago on a Sunday, and I have to admit, I am in no position, until school ends 6 weeks from now to pay any MONEY back

I politely explained that a new opportunity had fallen in my lap, and that I was struggling to keep my appointments for make up sessions, and work for cash and bills..

BUT that if he truly wanted a payback, I couldnt even promise to do that until after I got my first paycheck or before the end of the year

I was being honest

This was when he started being RUDE, very very RUDE< threatening me, ridiculing me and just hitting below the belt, even insulting me saying I would never make it in my new opportunity, insulting me as a mother, a person and wishing me nothing but bad luck

he also went on to threaten to write a bad review


and i said alot more than that, actually ( im sure you could guess, I WAS LIVID) I said alot of bad things back actually, and what was wierd, was, he was calling me from a party...

He was at a party at the apartment complex he lived (?) why would you call me and want to discuss something so important at a time like this?

AS tired and as great as things have been, I cannot stand to spend an ounce of energy on someone that wants to belittle me and talk over me, i have zero time for negativity, and I have to stay positive and happy or it all could fall apart

And this is just too important to me

If I also cannot pay something I dont have, ......

and to demand it by tomorrow< and to push the threats towards me if I dont, ( i have the texts to prove this) is simply making something more difficult than it needs to be, getting emotional and trying to make me angry or scared of anything is simply ludacris and childish and selfish.

He is the first and only person I have ever had a problem with regarding this

AND I felt the need to share, I have never ignored him, never spoken to him badly, Ive always answered texts and calls from him,

Its my opinion that if I was going to scam something or if I didnt care, why would I make sure I always returned his calls and texts,

I dont deserve a bad review or the treatment he gave me

BUT THIS POST IS TO CLARIFY and to expose the parts I am sure he wouldnt......

SO just a side note, I am available for sessions, I am able to see a few people a week ( out of necessity) even make up sessions I can schedule...

I however cannot PAY back a session until my schedule allows more time to work

Please be patient and I hope that all of you out there are happy to hear about something good, something great and life changing..

I have to admit though, I sometimes worry I am going to not do well at my new position because I am focused on too much and trying to hard to work late at night or weekends<( but I have to< bills have to get paid)

I even had to ask for time off to be able to make goals on time, NOT GOOD, but necessary

I suppose thats why I really dont appreciate when someone tries to make me look like a bad person when I dont deserve it..

I am doing the right thing

and as far as all the negativity im receiving from people calling for appointments,

i know it comes with the territory, but I think the stress that comes so unecessarily from others can affect my ability to perform at my best

Im not leaving being a provider, I am just trying something new

It may lead to my retirement eventually, BUT FOR NOW I HAVE NOT RETIRED

and much love

Marisa of Dallas
Captain Caveman's Avatar
So... if I understand this situation correctly... a client prepaid you for a session...

You have not honored that session...

The client has asked you for the money back...

You feel the client is wrong to ask you for the money back...

You have no timetable as to when you can either honor the session or give the client his money back...

Would that adequately describe the situation?
TonyStark's Avatar
So... if I understand this situation correctly... a client prepaid you for a session...

You have not honored that session...

The client has asked you for the money back...

You feel the client is wrong to ask you for the money back...

You have no timetable as to when you can either honor the session or give the client his money back...

Would that adequately describe the situation? Originally Posted by Captain Caveman
I think you gave an accurate "Readers Digest" version of the post above you.
marisaofdallas's Avatar
NO that does not describe the situation, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FROM????

I love how you seem to want to read into it something so you can cut into me.....


I SIMPLY STATED that i could NOT pay it back until possibly closer to the Holidays- BUT BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR-

The income I will be making and the limited time I have to work to pay my current living expenses, just dont give me much room to give a date, IM devoted to a new job and my school is being paid for, I cant predict anything now, THAT IS BEING HONEST and forthright,

HE SAID THAT WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH that it had to be within 10 days and began hurling threats and a mouthfull that would surely seal the deal on him never receiving ANYTHING back.

And Im Sorry you can only relate and understand things unless they are written in short form , I am sure this War and Peace writer cant appeal to readers digest level thinking .....but I hope Ive made that clear

YOU KNOWN DAMN well that if I would have posted those 5 sentences as as my entire post, I would have left alot of very pertinient information and I would have been asked a helluva alotta questions, and unlike SOME OF YOU I HAVE VERY LIMITED TIME TO BE LOGGED IN HERE and responding...

Everyone hates an intelligent whore , lol, just kidding
marisaofdallas's Avatar
In other words, please dont use tacticts like insulting me or being mean to me, If I am trying to work something out with you,...be dimplomatic.....

angering me is not a good idea it will accomplish NOTHING

and may be the worst idea a hobbyist could start

and if you want to write a bad review of someone youve never met, that is your right, but I never refused to see you, you were a flake and the attitude and behavior this hoobyist has shown since, proves I was not being problematic, he is difficult, needy pushy and just plain rude...

and I refuse to give anyone like this any sort of power in my day or attitude,

I also refuse to give this poerson service after their threats

and I refuse to ever contact or interact with him


And I did so with plenty of thought behind my decision

Funny thing is, he said he was NOT A PROFESSIONAL HOBBYIST AND not a member of any escort board or screening service

I screened him and spent hours talking to this person and enjoying the company via phone otherwise and I thought he felt the same, shame things had to end this way

Thanks for listening- i shoulda been in bed, but couldnt resist seeing if anyone had responded
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Mods, at what point do you step in and end this saga? And I don't mean just this thread.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I guess you've been gone a while, because as of 7/29/11 he can't write a review, per Bubba's sticky:


Why are you stressing over a problem that doesn't exist? If he joins, and posts something negative in Coed, you can rebut at that time. It will not go against you as a 'NO' review. It will stay on the front page for a few days then fall to the bottom.

In my humble opinion, by coming on here and whining and crying, you have done more damage than if you had just let the situation play out on its own.

I'm happy for you that everything is going so well in your transition to only part-time providing. There will be bumps in the road but be strong and positive and deal with them.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar

Marissa I have met you and you are a nice lady. I just have to say that these posts are not helpful to you or your business. You are sharing WAY TOO MUCH info and only making yourself easy prey for people to make fun of you here. You know the attack pack here likes to kick people when they are down so why come back for more and more?

Maybe it would be better to share these things with your yahoo group and not everyone of eccie.

Just my honest opinion
berkleigh's Avatar

Marissa I have met you and you are a nice lady. I just h ave to say that these posts are not helpful to you or your business. You are sharing WAY TOO MUCH info and only making yourself easy prey for people to make fun of you here. You know the attack pack here likes to kick people when they are down so why come back for more and more?

Maybe it would be better to share these things with your yahoo group and not everyone of eccie.

Just my honest opinion Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Took the words right out of my mouth Jules...

This sounds to em like one of those threads that wasn't though thru before being posted. I hope the Mods will close it for everyone's sake.
Guest091314's Avatar
I will stick my opinion with jules and berkleigh

Also lets not be negative for someone voicing her personal truths, she is being open. Sure there is a line between what should be kept in your head and posted on the web. She chose to post so let it be....
Boltfan's Avatar

Marissa I have met you and you are a nice lady. I just have to say that these posts are not helpful to you or your business. You are sharing WAY TOO MUCH info and only making yourself easy prey for people to make fun of you here. You know the attack pack here likes to kick people when they are down so why come back for more and more?

Maybe it would be better to share these things with your yahoo group and not everyone of eccie.

Just my honest opinion Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

Truer words could not be said.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I will stick my opinion with jules and berkleigh

Also lets not be negative for someone voicing her personal truths, she is being open. Sure there is a line between what should be kept in your head and posted on the web. She chose to post so let it be.... Originally Posted by Alecia
As she's done time and time again.

There really is a point where you say "Enough!". That time was over a month ago.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-11-2011, 05:18 PM

Marissa I have met you and you are a nice lady. I just have to say that these posts are not helpful to you or your business. You are sharing WAY TOO MUCH info and only making yourself easy prey for people to make fun of you here. You know the attack pack here likes to kick people when they are down so why come back for more and more?

Maybe it would be better to share these things with your yahoo group and not everyone of eccie.

Just my honest opinion Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

Truer words could not be said. Originally Posted by Boltfan


Love ya Marissa... but you need to walk away. Find a new circle to hang in for a while. Come back when most of this is behind you.
For a moment there, I thought I was lost in Houston"s Co-Ed forum.............WOW!