• Colby
  • 09-29-2012, 05:53 PM
#27 - ECCIE policy regarding the discussion of competing websites is intended to exhibit a straight-forward and simple approach. We do not disallow mention of other sites here at ECCIE, however we ask that you limit those discussions to the "Other Hobby Sites" thread located in the Member Suggestions and Feedback forum. This is the area that we have designated as being an appropriate outlet for these types of discussions. Posts of this nature made in other forums throughout the board will be merged into this location. If you find these types of posts in your local forums, please use the RTM function to report them to staff.
log in with your eccie name please ...its fun..no pics..no rules :P
pyramider's Avatar
What is chat?
Texasquest's Avatar
On my way !!!
Thanx, Ms Colby.
Duke of G's Avatar
This idea is so AMAZINGLY bad, and full of security holes that anyone logging on there, deserves the issues that WILL arise from it.

The link has been removed per the guideline above, and this thread is closed.