Racism in the South, and Texas - Reply to Adav8s28 from closed thread

  • Tiny
  • 05-07-2023, 07:05 PM

Everything is about RACE in the deep south. It has always been that way and always will be.

Mississippi klansmen killed white and black freedom riders of 1960's.

Black players could not play football in the Southeastern or Southwestern conference before 1970 a full 105 years after the Civil War ended.

Remember when 1B1 posted that a old Senior Partner told him he had never considered to hire a black person into the firm.

The only thing that has changed is the voting demographics. Young professionals have moved to Georgia for the job opportunities and don't hold the same views as George Wallace.
Originally Posted by Adav8s28

The world has changed radically since the 1960's. The racist Democrats who dominated the Klan and who instituted and maintained a ban on Black players in the Southwest Conference are long dead, as probably is Blackman's old senior partner.

My reading of Blackman's post was that the impediment to career prospects of Blacks in his firm isn't based on racism, but rather a tendency for people to want to hire and associate with people who are like themselves. Exxon most likely is run by Republicans, who hail from places like Texas and Louisiana. And who does Exxon go to when they need help defending themselves from lawsuits in Louisiana and Texas? Blackman.
ExxonMobil is definitely run by Republicans that own Republican politicians. Big oil can do anything they want in the south. That's not exactly a news flash just like the south is full of ignorant racist clueless broke ass rednecks with more guns than brains cells is not news

The southerners I described (and nailed) please feel free to post away...its not like "ya'll" are a big secret on here
  • Tiny
  • 05-07-2023, 08:25 PM
ExxonMobil is definitely run by Republicans that own Republican politicians. Big oil can do anything they want in the south. That's not exactly a news flash just like the south is full of ignorant racist clueless broke ass rednecks with more guns than brains cells is not news

The southerners I described (and nailed) please feel free to post away...its not like "ya'll" are a big secret on here
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
That's ridiculous TS Mokies. The average redneck's brain has 86 billion neurons. And my redneck friends might have on average 30 or 40 guns a piece. You're off by a factor of 2.5 billion!
Thank you for posting tiny one
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
ExxonMobil is definitely run by Republicans that own Republican politicians. Big oil can do anything they want in the south. That's not exactly a news flash just like the south is full of ignorant racist clueless broke ass rednecks with more guns than brains cells is not news

The southerners I described (and nailed) please feel free to post away...its not like "ya'll" are a big secret on here
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
So they run everything because they're republicans? How about their tax base and jobs that they furnish? Isn't that more reasonable than seeing unicorns? Just take a look at Disney World.
adav8s28's Avatar

The world has changed radically since the 1960's. The racist Democrats who dominated the Klan and who instituted and maintained a ban on Black players in the Southwest Conference are long dead, as probably is Blackman's old senior partner.
Originally Posted by Tiny
Things have changed since the 1960's but if there were never was a switch in parties why did someone bring the Confederate Flag when the Trump worshiper's invaded the capital Jan 6th? Was that person a democrat or a republican? Do you think he voted for Biden or Trump? Why did they bring a noose for Mike Pence? The Klan is not gone, less active but certainly not gone.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Things have changed since the 1960's but if there were never was a switch in parties why did someone bring the Confederate Flag when the Trump worshiper's invaded the capital Jan 6th? Was that person a democrat or a republican? Do you think he voted for Biden or Trump? Why did they bring a noose for Mike Pence? The Klan is not gone, less active but certainly not gone. Originally Posted by adav8s28

It was one guy. Out of how many?
Do you honestly believe that those ideas will ever completely die? Don't be naive.
And the fact that they changed political parties tells you everything you need to know about political parties.
As for Pence and any klan involvement, let's consider this. While I have no way of knowing, I suspect that the use of a noose to lynch a white man would have implied some sort of racial betrayal, for the klan. Why would they use one on Pence? Did he commit some racial sin to offend them? Were there any confirmed klan members in the crowd? Sometimes a noose is just a noose.
... Not just a noose - but the whole gallows!
Brought by those mates of Ray Epps.

This has been explained many times.

Just as the Democrat party was the party of slavery and the KKK.

THAT has also been explained many times.

### Salty
Not all republicans are racist

But nearly all racists are republicans
Not all republicans are racist

But nearly all racists are republicans Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Is that the reason why most Blacks vote Democrat?

Kick out the racist elements from the Republican Party and there might be blacks more likely to find the Republican Party more palatable. But as long as it’s filled with racists a vast majority of blacks won’t give the Republican Party a second look.

Why would someone like me vote for politicians that think racist Chuck and others from this forum holds appropriate views and has appropriate behavior.

Kick out the racist elements from the Republican Party and there might be blacks more likely to find the Republican Party more palatable. But as long as it’s filled with racists a vast majority of blacks won’t give the Republican Party a second look.

Why would someone like me vote for politicians that think racist Chuck and others from this forum holds appropriate views and has appropriate behavior. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
What do Democrat Politicians do for the Black Community that entices Black Voters to vote Democrat time and time again?
Ducbutter's Avatar
Not all republicans are racist

But nearly all racists are republicans Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Even if that's 100% true (it's not) there's no evidence they were there for Jan 6th.
  • Tiny
  • 05-13-2023, 05:17 PM
Things have changed since the 1960's but if there were never was a switch in parties why did someone bring the Confederate Flag when the Trump worshiper's invaded the capital Jan 6th? Was that person a democrat or a republican? Do you think he voted for Biden or Trump? Why did they bring a noose for Mike Pence? The Klan is not gone, less active but certainly not gone. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Adav8s28, texassapper and I covered this in the thread that was closed,


And ditto Ducbutter. January 6 was a mass psychosis created by Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Donald Trump and others. It had nothing to do with race.
What do Democrat Politicians do for the Black Community that entices Black Voters to vote Democrat time and time again? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Not be a party full of racists.