Didn't show up!

Got a called from a (not) gentleman name Ch**s this morning to set an appt for 9.30am, i asked him for a ref and he sent me a request on p411.
Then i told him i can't make it at 9.30 and asking if he could do at 10.30 instead. he said thats fine.. so all set for 10.30am and i gave him my incall address over the phone. told him to give me a call when he arrive. 10.30am i texted him my room number instead of waiting for his call. no reply...WTF
gave him a call after 6mins of my text...no answer! Preferably last minute cancelation instead of Disappeared.
Disappointed and wasted my time...i rather get myself out for a nice jog
Anyway there was no drama just wanted to inform others.
PM me for his info..
If he does not contact you for a couple days to explain why. Contact Gina at P411, she will handle it.
NCNS does not fall under our definition of an Alert. See below
Alerts - Austin Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.

While a colossal PITA, not truly an alert. Moving to Coed Forum.

Eraserman's Avatar
If he does not contact you for a couple days to explain why. Contact Gina at P411, she will handle it. Originally Posted by hobbie

Guys are expected to give providers time to contact and explain, generally 48 hours, but it varies. I see no reason why providers shouldn't be held to the same standard. An immediate "alert" isn't justified in this case based on the information supplied. If you know this guy is a game player, then that's another matter, but it should be mentioned.
At 11.40am he called me, not talking, I'm not sure he did on purpose or accidentally but he wasnt talk, hearing the background were a guy teasing a girl.. So what should I expect? I changed my hotel room. Kinda freaked me out
Elephant's Avatar
He missed out...
He missed out... Originally Posted by Elephant
I'll say.... How have I never spied this lovely Asian lass?
DallasRain's Avatar
sorry that happened....and thanks for the alert!

stay & play safe!
you put up an alert for a guy less than a hour after the appointment?? my gosh you are quick to judge...
yes he should have canceled but give the guy a chance to at least contact you and he did..only 70 minutes past appointment..

I do give you props for giving out location.. that is good in my book.

if this is the worst thing to happen to you, consider yourself lucky....
First of all he is 26, secondly he has been calling me and my cousin day and night and even left a voice message on my phone and my cousin's phone. I am sure he has been contacting more than just us... I didn't judge him but my opinion is that he has too many choices and he choose who ever is earlier than me and didn't cancel my appt. That's the point
oppss Sorry I was using Nina account to reply. kaykay
Guest092815's Avatar
What?? You mean you have two handles on eccie from which to post from? That's not cool.
I see, well,, you can either not see guys under 30 or 35 that may help

if you are doing this long enough, then you are going to have things like this happen.. its part of the biz....I have been NCNS and or canceled on at the last minute so many times.. I have lost count...
Nah I didn't have 2 showcases... I am the one who make schedule for Nina. Her English is not good enough to do it herself...
That really stinks, but is part of the biz like Ralphey Boy stated. I got called to a luxury gated apartment community last night and no one answered the door at the apartment number that I was provided...After calling and getting his voicemail I left. He was also a young fellow.