Missed My Calling as an FBI Guy

dumars's Avatar
A day after the CA shooting, and watching and paying attention to the news, I got the theory the wife shooter was recruited by ISIS to infiltrate the U.S. and make some kind of an attack. What better way to do that than to hook up with a native born American, get a "K Visa" and immigrate, get married and you're in. People who get the visa are checked less than regular immigrants, refugees and even asylum seekers.

I actually called the KC FBI office, the 2nd day after, and passed on my theory. I think it was the 3rd day I got onto CNN's iReport Facebook page and passed on the same theory. Well, listening to the news 4 and 5 days after, parts of my theory are all over the place . . . am I to blame or did some high up FBI guy get the same idea or is it coincidence?

I'll never know for sure but according to me I'm to blame and I'm patt'n myself on the back. "Ata boy Dumars, 'ya done good!" I'm betting the "K Visa" program is or has been used as a tool. Husband shooter was just too stupid to see. Kinda like Trump supporters!

A guy has to be really pussy whipped to get involved in a shooting like that.
dumars's Avatar
Probably ain't that easily explained. But I, at least, have found it incredible how people, regardless of race, religion, etc, could be convinced to commit such egregious and barbarous acts against a fellow human being in the name of God and country as the will of God and the right thing to do! And it has been done over the centuries by Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Muslims. NONE are innocent! All have the blood of innocents on their hands, whether actual or inherited.

A guy has to be really pussy whipped to get involved in a shooting like that. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
RandB fan's Avatar
Maybe a little history lesson would do you wonders? Nobody ever killed more than 25 to 30 Million people in the name of religion. Some people think Carlin was right when he said "More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason," but of course that is not correct. Maybe do some homework?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm not sure why you're bashing Trump supporters. Trump has been a day ahead of everyone else and is still ahead of Obama, Hillary, Sanders, and several other democrats. His supporters see that.
Trump has diarrhea of the mouth and anything is libel to come out of it. His supporters are the radical right. Most will damn Obie for his lies, and espouse Trump's lies.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Trump has diarrhea of the mouth and anything is libel to come out of it. His supporters are the radical right. Most will damn Obie for his lies, and espouse Trump's lies. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Actually PEW polling has shown that Trump is getting support from the left, right, and independents.

In recognition of that great grammar nazi, the word is liable.
Actually PEW polling has shown that Trump is getting support from the left, right, and independents.

In recognition of that great grammar nazi, the word is liable. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Idiots come in all colors thanks for pointing out my error. I am sure you have never made one LOL
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Idiots come in all colors thanks for pointing out my error. I am sure you have never made one LOL Originally Posted by i'va biggen
oh, that's what i tell the cops when I get pulled over for rolling through a stop sign

YOU CANT GIVE ME TICKET, you've rolled through stops signs! so I get to

the cop agrees, and lets me go

your "logic" works

If it works for you go for it.
I'm not sure why you're bashing Trump supporters. Trump has been a day ahead of everyone else and is still ahead of Obama, Hillary, Sanders, and several other democrats. His supporters see that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I can guarantee Trump will not be the Republican nominee. If he were, Dems would win in a cakewalk.

The power brokers in the Republican Party will make sure Trump can't win.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I can guarantee Trump will not be the Republican nominee. If he were, Dems would win in a cakewalk.

The power brokers in the Republican Party will make sure Trump can't win. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Proof positive that there isn't a goddamn dime's bit of difference between either side.
dumars's Avatar
And scary as fucking HELL! He's going to get a lot of Americans killed, in uniform and not. Then when it's too late and republicans get the clue, i.e. Bush, they'll look around to see who else to blame, i.e. Bush.

I mean, holy shit! GB is our greatest ally and, as of yesterday, the Brits have enough signatures to force a discussion, at least, in the House of Commons to BAN Trump from entering the country! There's a clue there!

Getting a tad off topic I would think.

I'm not sure why you're bashing Trump supporters. Trump has been a day ahead of everyone else and is still ahead of Obama, Hillary, Sanders, and several other democrats. His supporters see that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn