medical discrimination regarding COVID19

valkyra's Avatar
Hey everyone! So I came across this photo on the blue bird, and I was curious to hear some different ideas on it.

I see two initial arguments here -

(1) MEDICAL CARE IS UNIVERSAL, and we should NOT discriminate treatment or withhold it.

(2) They aren't withholding treatment, but saving the working organs for the person with the highest possible survival rate.
Organs are NEEDED - which is why there is a LIST - and the risk of exposure to COVID post-op is way too high to be worth risking
- especially since transplants require immuno-suppressors so that your body can accept the other organ with less risk of rejecting it.

What are your thoughts?

Do you think they should have the right to take people off of an organ donation list for not getting the COVID19 vaccine?

ALSO - if you do NOT have the COVID shot, would you refuse or accept an organ from someone who had gotten the Covid19 vaccine?

Please discuss, I'm curious as to what people's thoughts are on this subject!
lilylivered's Avatar
Government run health care is just plain scary.
This might be health related or it might be political.
Just think of all the money that the government is going to have to shell out for the law suits that will come about when they prove the vaccine is dangerous and people were FORCED to get it...
valkyra's Avatar
Government run health care is just plain scary.
This might be health related or it might be political.
Just think of all the money that the government is going to have to shell out for the law suits that will come about when they prove the vaccine is dangerous and people were FORCED to get it... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Could there be a nationwide lawsuit, though? It isn't only our country who is mandating vaccines. It'd be a global lawsuit. Previously unheard of, before these times...

And you bring up a good point, Lily-
What happens if the vaccines DO end up causing more harm than good?
My aunt just had a double lung transplant. It cost over 2 million dollars and will be more by the time all the treatment is done. After all that your immunity is suppressed the rest of your life so you don’t reject the organs. My belief is simple. You want someone to spend an enormous amount of money to help you then they have the right to want and expect all the help you can do in return. Would suck to do a transplant and then have someone die a few weeks or months later of something with a vaccine
Read about this last evening. Disturbing, of course, but not shocking given the current climate.

I don't like what is called "Modern Medicine". Most of it is Midieval.

They don't sell "health"; they sell fear.
...and Soylent Green is people...!
lilylivered's Avatar
...and Soylent Green is people...! Originally Posted by Withnail
Coming to a place near you...
Wait until Bathhouse Barry Obongo and Dementia Joe resurrect the Death Panels...Over 75? No government "health care" beyond palliative.

Cue the Soylent Green.
lilylivered's Avatar
"Just give them a pill, dont waste the money"
jokacz's Avatar
Typical right wing horse shit.

Soylent green may be the long as we make it out of Republicans.

At least they'd be good for something...feed them to starving Africans, how ironic!
lilylivered's Avatar
Yep, outlaw eating beef
and eat people instead
Dem solution....
Yep, outlaw eating beef
and eat people instead
Dem solution.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Yup--they'll be cannibalizing themselves when they run out of other people's money.
jokacz's Avatar
Yup--they'll be cannibalizing themselves when they run out of other people's money. Originally Posted by Withnail

Is that the right wing echo chamber I hear?
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jokacz's Avatar
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Guess I really got under your skin. Glad to do it. Feel better!