Wordpress Blog Help

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The blog that is on my website is old and out of date somewhat even though I have had about twenty new essays to include in it. Alright, I'm a procrastinator in the extreme.

But I wish to update my website with pictures, etc., and my webmaster will do that but I wish to add two more blogs to the www.nottheusualone.com or the new one that I'm working on. They're each different in content.

Well, I have created the blogs but I don't know what to do with them now. How does one add pictures? How can the text be rearranged? I'm looking for certain templates but frankly, I feel that I'm crapping in the wind right now and it's frustrating.

I've never done this before.

I noticed that there is a book called, "Wordpress for Dummies" and was wondering if anyone had a book like that, or similar, that they would give me or sell to me. I would appreciate it.

Also, any advice would be appreciated, period. I'm sure that other ladies would find that having a blog is a good way to get their personae out there. Some men like them and others don't really care one way or the other. Generally my "type" of client appreciates them.

This is something that I would like to learn on my own but I just don't wish to spend too much time researching all of this if I can find a quicker way to do it.

Please feel free to e-mail me at elisabethwhispers@hotmail.com or pm me if you feel more comfortable doing that.

I wish I knew. I had to wrestle mine into shape with my bare hands until it relented and did what I wanted. I haven't tried to post a photo yet. I hope it doesn't explode when I do.

Let me know if you find anything good.
WordPress can be as complex or simple as you want to make it... the more custom you need it, the harder it's going to be. The easiest thing to do is find a good theme and use that... and then follow a few tutorials to get used to the WYSIWYG editor. Such as http://codex.wordpress.org/First_Steps_With_WordPress .

I might be able to offer some help, if you let me know specifics of where you're having trouble and what version of WordPress you're using
Guest012211-3's Avatar
I just don't understand the whole blog phenomenon. Everyone has a blog about something these days...what are they for? Is it like an open diary, do you blog about your day, pets, blogging?? Do I need a blog? What's a good blog to read? No offense to anyone who has one, maybe you can help me understand.
you can add more than one blog on a server, but Im sure if the person you have managing your blog is in any manner competent (which by looking at the link I would say yes) they will know that.

If you are looking to manage it yourself the wordpress.com site has a forum that users with little or no knowledge post and can help you out.

You can get templates from the web, and from wordpress.com. To edit the templates you will utilize either XML, HTML, XHTML and CSS.

Best advice I can give ya.... read the documentation.