Observations during the late Republic

texassapper's Avatar
This is why the education system denigrated the teaching of history.

In the late Roman Republic, Patricians, wealthy Plebians, and successful Generals were often prosecuted for crimes (real and imaginary) after they left office and no longer were protected by the office they held. They were prosecuted by their political enemies, as a general rule of thumb, in order to gain power, prevent the individual from gaining further power, and so forth.

One of the key reasons that Julius Caesar broke Roman law and led his Army across the Rubicon River and into Italy was that he knew that his political enemies were going to prosecute him for crimes they believed he had committed while Consul. Once his 10 year term of Pro-Consul of Cis-Alpine Gaul was complete, they would bring charges against him and then have him exiled or executed. He attempted to negotiate with the Senate for amnesty from prosecution in return for relinquishing command of his Legions, but the Senate refused and ordered him to relinquish command and return to Rome alone.

When Julius Caesar refused, he knew (and said) that the die was cast, meaning that he would have to fight a civil war now. And he led his legions into Italy, which ultimately ended the Republic.

If you think this isn’t what we see happening right now in America, you don’t understand that history and how it is repeating itself.

And for the REALLY stupid... I don't think Trump is Caesar. But we've now created the conditions to end the Republic for the same reason.
winn dixie's Avatar
Ahhhhh ceaser did it to himself.
Trumpf is no ceaser but he too is responsible for his own downfall.
Our republic is just fine.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't have to look earlier than the 1930s to see history repeating itself.

That's why the nation together rose up in 2020 to end the Trump regime and prevent another Turd Reich from rising.

That's why it'll happen again.

Hail Caesar!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't have to look earlier than the 1930s to see history repeating itself.

That's why the nation together rose up in 2020 to end the Trump regime and prevent another Turd Reich from rising.

That's why it'll happen again.

Hail Caesar!

(Great source, btw. I go there for all my important news and views. Gotta hand it to you; you're thorough!)
When you mention trump, are you talking about the trump that was charged and convicted of 34 felony charges?
The only similar conditions I see is an asshole willing to start a civil war to illegally stay in power.

You mean the education system trump wanted to end and dissolve
the department of education?
The claim the education system denigrates the teaching of history is bullshit. When, who, and where did this happen?
You have a history of falsehoods.
Going to need a link. A discussion based on a false premise seems pointless. Is there a forum for fantasy threads?

Mods? Can we get a ruling?

This is why the education system denigrated the teaching of history.

In the late Roman Republic, Patricians, wealthy Plebians, and successful Generals were often prosecuted for crimes (real and imaginary) after they left office and no longer were protected by the office they held. They were prosecuted by their political enemies, as a general rule of thumb, in order to gain power, prevent the individual from gaining further power, and so forth.

One of the key reasons that Julius Caesar broke Roman law and led his Army across the Rubicon River and into Italy was that he knew that his political enemies were going to prosecute him for crimes they believed he had committed while Consul. Once his 10 year term of Pro-Consul of Cis-Alpine Gaul was complete, they would bring charges against him and then have him exiled or executed. He attempted to negotiate with the Senate for amnesty from prosecution in return for relinquishing command of his Legions, but the Senate refused and ordered him to relinquish command and return to Rome alone.

When Julius Caesar refused, he knew (and said) that the die was cast, meaning that he would have to fight a civil war now. And he led his legions into Italy, which ultimately ended the Republic.

If you think this isn’t what we see happening right now in America, you don’t understand that history and how it is repeating itself.

And for the REALLY stupid... I don't think Trump is Caesar. But we've now created the conditions to end the Republic for the same reason. Originally Posted by texassapper
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I don't have to look earlier than the 1930s to see history repeating itself.

That's why the weaponized nation state was activated in 2015 to end the Trump regime... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Need another Banana for your Republic? If you travel back a bit further in time, you might see the demise of the Roman Empire via some firery but mostly peaceful protestings.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Mods? Can we get a ruling? Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
I would rule that honesty and introspection are not your strong suits, which inhibit your ability to advance the cause and case of your own chump-ion.

Tearing another down does NOT raise another up ~ paraphrasing Abe Lincoln

Those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Though the "to repeat it" part is superflous
And yes, trump is a convicted felon.
Who asked you to rule?
You're nobody.
A person who believes the big lie?
A person who claims trump is a champion of history? He is a "leader" who doesn't read.
Comparing trump and Caesar is valid only to a point. Yes, both were willing to start a civil war to stay in power. But trump is a coward. You would never see him in an army. Trump committed crimes under our laws which you conveniently ignore.
You back their claims to inane theories of immunity that is unlimited. The idea you would ever "rule" on anything of even the slightest importance is as unlikely as trump turning down a dick sandwich.
As far as honesty goes, as a trumpy, you prove you are not carrying that trait.
And yes, tearing someone down doesn't raise someone up. Trump and your ilk are the poster boys for that tactic. Pointing out what a POS trump is isn't trying to raise Biden up. You trying to tear him down is like y'all trying to raise the Titanic. Not going to happen.

How about a challenge? Who can find the most factual mistakes in our posts?
Of course it has to be provable.

I would rule that honesty and introspection are not your strong suits, which inhibit your ability to advance the cause and case of your own chump-ion.

Tearing another down does NOT raise another up ~ paraphrasing Abe Lincoln

Those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Though the "to repeat it" part is superflous Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
ICU 812's Avatar
I don't have to look earlier than the 1930s to see history repeating itself.

! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think you have it about right . . .but not the way yu think.

Look in a mirror.