He has drove me NUTS for 3 days!

sexydiamond's Avatar
He text me so much and he even text bank statements! He said he worked for the police and if I didn't do what I was told that I was going to jail. I told him to do whatever!
call his bluff
The best thing is to ignore him. Do not respond at all. His "payoff" is getting a reaction. Without one, he will eventually lose interest and move on. Once you respond, you will rekindle his interest in you.
At this point, just block his number. He is of course not who he claims to be. and if he was going to do something, it would have already been done.

LazurusLong's Avatar
He text me so much and he even text bank statements! He said he worked for the police and if I didn't do what I was told that I was going to jail. I told him to do whatever! Originally Posted by hottiemeade31
The most important thing here is that he claims he works for the police.

ANY police department takes that very seriously.

Although it sounds great to ignore this, never forget that being an escort is not illegal. Taking cash for sex is but no one on here pays for sex, we all pay for time.

If you have texts, emails, or any other physical evidence of these claims, print the emails, save the texts, and go to your police department and ask for a supervisor.

If he claims to be an officer, ask for internal affairs.

Official repression is a serious crime and blackmail is even worse.

This is not a trivial demand or trivial offense.

IF he has used an official capacity to get to your bank records, he will be very sorry for that if you take the appropriate access with the police. There are very strict laws regarding access to such information and a warrant IS needed.
Texas Penal Code, Section 37.11 - Impersonating Public Servant

(a) A person commits an offense if he:
(1) impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to his pretended official authority or to rely on his pretended official acts; or
(2) knowingly purports to exercise any function of a public servant or of a public office, including that of a judge and court, and the position or office through which he purports to exercise a function of a public servant or public office has no lawful existence under the constitution or laws of this state or of the United States.
(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree.

It would take some balls and he is probably using a prepaid phone. But then again some of these nutjobs are not that smart, either.
SirThomasTew's Avatar
Ignoring harassment is usually the best solution although posting a gay ad on Backpage with his phone number as the contact point can have its own rewards.
sexydiamond's Avatar
I like your reply SirThomasTew! We could make it a Gang Bang post!
Im all for the BP ad. The raunchier the better..... LOL. Im sorry this is happening to you Ms. Meade
Bloodhound's Avatar
I hope I never piss you off!!!!
sexydiamond's Avatar
Im all for the BP ad. The raunchier the better..... LOL. Im sorry this is happening to you Ms. Meade Originally Posted by Imreadynow31
Thank you Imreadynow31. Been all quite now, guess he went to the next one.
Rider-Tom's Avatar
I worked closely with the MPs while I was in the Marines. You should follow through for your safety and others. Also maybe come play in San Antonio for a while. Leaving the scene is always a relief for you.

As for him we can also post his name & number at a few local Gay clubs.

Peace be with you Dear.

Hope to see you soon.
sexydiamond's Avatar
I worked closely with the MPs while I was in the Marines. You should follow through for your safety and others. Also maybe come play in San Antonio for a while. Leaving the scene is always a relief for you.

As for him we can also post his name & number at a few local Gay clubs.

Peace be with you Dear.

Hope to see you soon.
Originally Posted by Rider-Tom
Thank you Rider-Tom. Maybe I will come there soon. If so hope to meet up with you.