How to soliciting a UTR "Friend"

HELL YES 76's Avatar
For about the last year or so I've been visiting my local coffee shop and having light chit chats with the girl behind the counter. Sometimes if I go in at the right time she'll spend her lunch or smoke break with*me. Lately she been telling me about having to working a second job and her hour getting cut back and living on rice n beans. Now... How do I go about soliciting her to be an UTR friend? Do I let out sexual*inuindoes, clues or hints? I don't want to scare her off but I would like to leave the option on her table.*

Any advice would be
Maybe look at the SB/SD forum?

and be sure to share with the rest of us
I will gladly show you how it is done. Just give me her name and where she works. If you wish, I will tell you all about it later...

Sounds like the lady has given you an open door. Don't close it on your foot.

Check your pm's Sir
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 04-30-2012, 02:22 PM
Sounds to me, with the impromptu "lunches", talk of a second job and living on rice and beans, like SHE has already given you the "hints and innuendo". All that's left now is for you to act on it.

Let us know how it goes.
HELL YES 76's Avatar
God bless America!!!
I never knew these things existed till I found this community... I just need to work on the presentation.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Are you available for dating? That might be the correct approach at this time. Dinner at a nice Italian restaurant sure beats rice and beans.
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 04-30-2012, 04:49 PM
Are you available for dating? That might be the correct approach at this time. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
This is in fact the correct answer and what she is pretty obviously hinting at. Take her to a nice place, figure out what wine she likes, and halfway through the bottle you should have a good idea where things are headed.
Whispers's Avatar
Are you available for dating? That might be the correct approach at this time. Dinner at a nice Italian restaurant sure beats rice and beans. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
She is not trying to indicate she is hungry and wanting to get fed. Nor does what she is saying give you any reason to think she is looking to improve her social life
Whispers's Avatar
This is in fact the correct answer and what she is pretty obviously hinting at. Take her to a nice place, figure out what wine she likes, and halfway through the bottle you should have a good idea where things are headed. Originally Posted by Qziz

I would disagree totally.... You actually have been presented a tremendous opportunity and the answers as to how to play this scenario are available on this board in the SD/SB forums....