Stood up by Kelly Kelly

lslarryaustin's Avatar
Kelly Kelly has good reviews so I contacted her to schedule a visit this morning. I got to her location and called her as she had requested to no avail. Later in the morning, concerned I attempted to contact her via email to confirm that she was okay and nothing was wrong. She has yet to respond and I am disappointed in her behavior. Just a warning about the no show. I know she has good reviews and looks beautiful but I would be apprehensive about setting a date with Kelly Kelly. Not cool Kelly Kelly.
conservative44's Avatar
Legitimate alerts which could endanger the safety of a member. Not fyi issues. This probably belongs in coed.
lslarryaustin's Avatar
How do I move it? Sorry about the wrong section, just didn't know where to place it. Thanks for the info, will be better in the future.
The mods will likely move it when they see it, or you can PM them and ask them to do it.
Eraserman's Avatar
I've seen a couple recent good reviews on her, but she has other bad reviews similar to what happened to you which should be on this board if you search back enough. Or maybe it was aspd. Don't recall exactly, but she is on my avoid list and the recent good reviews weren't enough to convince me to take her off.

Sorry you had that happen to you. Glad you posted about it. Will help to inform others.

Better luck on your next one!