At first I was going to say this in a PM but thought that would be the chicken shit way of doing it...
then I was going to say it on the thread that I hi-jacked but it was closed before I could.
So here it is... with out any accuses or qualifiers.
I sincerely apologize for my postings on that thread.
I hope you enjoy your time here and will not let one jackass spoil it for you.
Originally Posted by ElumEno
You had to start a new thread as the other went "completely off track"...?
I disagree and equate it to censorship and it seems as if we are in some kind of touchy feely tardfest these days..
I believe the purpose was being served especially when I see two highly respected providers who don't post a lot weighing in. Things were sorted out and there was some light sarcasm but nothing out of hand..
Why can't we just let things play themselves out..?
Why is it when different viewpoints are shared that this "hijack" moniker seems to instantly get slapped on..
WTF was the danger or harm in leaving said thread open? Nobody was outed or compromised..there were no taboo subjects mentioned.. Censorship on a SHMB makes no sense..and I for one don't get where it came from...
Although I have my hunch..