Short notice "I can't make it because ..."

Ladies (and I guess, guys) how do you handle short term cancellations. In one of my professions (you have to do what you have to do to make money) I got a call about 10 minutes before I was going to leave for an appointment asking me to come in in an hour. Now I had seen her before so she was cool with it, but what if it was the first time?

I'm pretty certain that if I was sick I'd at least be able to give a couple hours notice (like this horrible cough I have right now, which is probably due to breathing really dry air for almost three hours yesterday (scuba).

So what will you accept as an acceptable reason that someone can't make an appointment. And the same goes for guys, what would be okay if a provider can't see you?

And guys, if you had to cancel for a really good reason and you saw her later, would you try to "make up" with a large tip, like $100 over?
good question, here are my rules

Applies to First Meeting
1. if she cancels more than hour from time I let it go and try again
2. if she cancels less than 15-30 minutes then I never book again and move on, I know life happens but tough shit, for every time this has happened it was the lamest ass excuse they could think of.

A Regular: can cancel all they want no time frame needed.
2. if she cancels less than 15-30 minutes then I never book again and move on Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Because her grandma died again? LOL

From the ladies perspective, if you at least call/text (rather than be a NCNS), I'll gladly give you another chance, no tip necessary. If you NCNS and contact me later, and if I choose to give you another chance, there had better be a damn good tip. Just saying.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
On either side there is no reason for a NCNS, I have worried about this on my side before, getting a flat tier on the way, stopped for going 5mil over the speed limit, throwing my back out, bitting or burning my tongue just before a date. Life happens, so just call.

Britttany_love's Avatar
I agree with everything stated above. There should never be a reason to NCNS and if that happened with me I would never meet with you again. If you have to please let me know as soon as possible, if its an hour+ I will possibly reschedule with you. I value my time and make sure when I set my schedule for the week and book appointments that there's nothing that will interfere with me being able to keep them. I have never cancelled or NCNS on any appointment as I would be losing out on money and risking my reputation. The most common cancellations I hear about are work related.. I personally think its not best to book an appointment on a day your working.. especially if your work has a history of calling last minute meetings or forcing you to work longer than your normal set hours. Its maybe best to wait til you have a day off or a day when you know for sure you can sneak out early and not be bothered.

Like you mentioned above austin voy

" In one of my professions (you have to do what you have to do to make money) I got a call about 10 minutes before I was going to leave for an appointment asking me to come in in an hour."

We have to do what we do here to make money as well. When you cancel or NCNS a provider it doesnt hurt your wallet but can mess up financials for us. We have blocked out a certain time for you and sometimes we may have had someone else interested in meeting but since you responded first and booked its yours. So now its 10 minutes til the appointment and you cancel, ok.. now I have lost your set appointment and lost the other opportunity to meet with the other hobbyist who wanted to spend time with me.. for me thats $300+ I just lost . I've now lost money twice and that keeps me from paying bills. All I ask is to please notify me a minimum of an hr if they have to cancel, because if so in the scenario above I would have had enough time to contact the other hobbyist and let him know my schedule cleared up and would love to still see him if he is free. Just my .02.
I'm not going to demand an explanation, there is no way to know whether it is truthful or not, anyway. All I ask for is communication. Stuff happens, I get it. If you need to cancel or delay our appointment, just let me know with as much notice as you can. That and a simple apology demonstrates that you respect me and my time. And I will do the same for you, for the same reason. Really, its nothing more than common courtesy.

Just don't go radio-silent. To me, that just demonstrates a complete lack of respect.
Because her grandma died again? LOL

From the ladies perspective, if you at least call/text (rather than be a NCNS), I'll gladly give you another chance, no tip necessary. If you NCNS and contact me later, and if I choose to give you another chance, there had better be a damn good tip. Just saying. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

yes Claire , she died again.. ( :

that one was not used but the sick grandmother has been used. one of the best ones ever, ( after I had seen her a few times) we had a 9:00pm on a Sunday night, I get a call about 45 min after time was supposed to start and says her Parents just showed up from Waco at 8:45pm, yeah right!!
If they cancel before I leave cool , I'll schedule again . If they do it just before appt , one and done ! That also applies to providers who don't return appt request , for what ever reason text or pm no , quit wasting my fucking time ! If they are just bad at TCB they are guaranteeing that I will not ever try again . I have several on ignore , one and done , too many ladies happy for the appt to put up with such crap !
fun2come's Avatar
Trying to stick with OPs original questions/comments:
I am OK with a cancellation BEFORE I leave. I actually text them when I leave so they know I am on my way. Don't really need a reason, but if given an honest one is appreciated.

I'd expect a cancel notification at first opportunity, I do the same.

Now this could lead into a NCNS, which can unfortunately happen (coma, passed out, car accident, jail, unexpected business meeting with no chance to text - boss drags you by your ear).
Once a NCNS happened then I'd expect a make up session with some kind of "make up".
If it was me who caused the NCNS'ed (hasn't happened yet), then I'd also offer something to the lady.

If NCNS resolution is unsatisfactory in my humble yet pretty easy to please opinion, I will not schedule again.