This might be of interest,
Blacks who've immigrated to the USA in recent times are more likely to be married, have a college degree, make more money, and are less likely to live in poverty compared to blacks born in America. In fact, by those criteria, they match up closer to the population as a whole than blacks born in America.
Also take a look at this, and sort countries by homicide rate in reverse order,
What you'll see is that countries that suffer from histories of subjugation, outright slavery in the case of Caribbean countries, and slavery except in name for the native populations of Latin America, have higher homicide rates. With a few exceptions, African countries have much lower homicide rates. Similarly, the percentage of black Americans, whose ancestors suffered from subjugation, who die from homicide is much higher than the general population.
How to make sense of all this? Well, in my eternal quest to blame everything on Democrats, I'll say that American blacks, in the south at least, have suffered from over 100 years of misrule by the Democratic Party prior to 1965. The tragedy of slavery, and the aftermath, like segregation and racism, have profoundly affected the well being of American Blacks -- their economic opportunities, safety and health.