and e-whoring etc.

See alert thread in Alabama, and search ewhoring online. Very interesting stuff for the clients to know.....

Black hat had an entire script available to lure horny men in, sometimes to point of blackmail, to get cc info etc......
See alert thread in Alabama, and search ewhoring online. Very interesting stuff for the clients to know.....

Black hat had an entire script available to lure horny men in, sometimes to point of blackmail, to get cc info etc...... Originally Posted by PhillyChik

You know that e-whoring stuff isn't what you would it sounds like it would be. lol

Btw did another female just reference Black Hat?! I think I'm in love. <3
Now if she said DEFCON
Or "I was Vinyl Vanna"
what is black hat?
Lol Guys u r too funny!

Ambrelle, a blackhat is just a term for a hacker who does it to mess with people or to get info so they can get ur $.😉

Edit- ok guys i just realized how old this post was... And now im sending myself to bed cause, apparently, too much research in one night means that u do silly things... 😋 And with that said i bid u all a good nite! 💋
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See alert thread in Alabama, and search ewhoring online. Very interesting stuff for the clients to know.....

Black hat had an entire script available to lure horny men in, sometimes to point of blackmail, to get cc info etc...... Originally Posted by PhillyChik
The thing is, even though some ( a small % ) use actual girls ( not cam girls ) and a Western Union account - usually from Panama, Moldova or Phillipines - these complex con's have one major flaw. They almost always use pre-programmed statements and as with any e-whore, there is an algorithm they usually follow...doesn't mean they can't/won't personalize it..but if you are vigilant enough - chances are they won't catch ya.

e-Whoring has risen a lot since 2011.
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Another common method; perhaps I should clarify - is 'social engineering' by means of 'fear-advertising''s an example
this site is a complete joke - the whole point of it is to get Client's to think the girl they are looking up is a Cop so they sign up through the banner to the dating site...fortunately. this only works on sniveling idiots or newbie's who don't know any better...but it probably averts some degree of business for the girls as well.