CBS news confirms tRump planned to declare victory on October 31, 2020

rmg_35's Avatar

To all you election denying, moronic, idiotic, stupid, tRumptards. The bitch-ass tangerine turd knew he was going to lose the election and planned to declare victory. Even after loses in court case after court case, you foolish moron and jackasses within the reptard party keep saying the election was stolen.

Some reptards in congress are keeping the big lie going, but far far far too many reptards in congress are not speaking up disputing this lie because the republican party has zero integrity.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The election was stolen.

rmg_35's Avatar
So tRump stirred up all the maga-maggots for his lying ass stop the steal rally. Cause an insurrection to try to over-throw the peaceful transfer of power with his lies and bullshit. Got people killed and now hundreds of maga-maggot and groups like the asshole proud boys and oath keepers are in jail or going to be in jail listening and believing the tangerine turd. tRump is the biggest piece of shit that every held office in this country. VOTE DEMOCRAT in this election and drain the swamp of these scum sucking maga-maggots.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It must suck living in a perpetual state of seething anger.
berryberry's Avatar
It must suck living in a perpetual state of seething anger. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
ask berry!
@rmg_35 - you're wasting your time. The folks frothing at the mouth in this forum are so far in the trumplican wormhole that nothing is going to convince them otherwise. That's why I gave up trying to talk sense into them. keep in mind, whether DJT is alive or dead, the party has embraced his tactics, so his legacy will live on forever. also, posting links to the libtard media isn't helping your cause.

I am curious to see what would happen if government turns red again, will berry stop posting 10 articles a day? It might be worth it (just kidding).
trump is fake, phony, lifelong grifter. Complete clown