Two Americas

berryberry's Avatar
In Libtard America:

The San Francisco Chronicle reported earlier today the city is spending $1.7 million to build a single public toilet and it won't be done until 2025.

Meanwhile in Conservative America:

After one of the worst hurricanes on record just 3 weeks ago, the massive damage along the Sanibel Causeway which made it hard to believe that repairs could be quickly completed for residents to return home is NOW COMPLETE. After 8,200 loads of fill dirt, 2,400 loads of rock, & 4,000 tons of asphalt, this is what those damaged sections of the Causeway now look like.

This is the difference between competent Conservative leadership in Florida and incompetent libtard leadership in California

Moral of the story - Vote out all libtards

rmg_35's Avatar
To just give DeSantis full credit for the bridge being rebuilt is ridiculous. It's a combination of federal, state, and local governments working together. But again, very easy to twist stories around to try to prove your point.

A way better example for two Americas is below:

• 9 out of the 10 poorest states in the US are Republican.
• 95 out of the 100 poorest counties are Republican.
• 9 out of the 10 richest cities are run by Democrats

But tell me again about how great Republican economic policies are…

Vote out all the reptards and especially the tRumptards!!!
HDGristle's Avatar
How about we just vote for moderates and stop electing hyperpartisan clowns from either party?

This is one nation made up of many people and cultures, forged together by freedom and opportunity. And a fuckload of ego driven swagger.

This is the greatest nation in the world. The greatest economy in the world. Greatest military in the world.

Instead of pretending one clan of assholes is better than the other clan of assholes, let's acknowledge that we're a nation of assholes and drop the bullshit. Life is tough, but we live it better. Life isn't always fair but we get what we need more often than we don't. We have made mistakes and need to address those even if some assholes think they're perfect. They aren't. They're just assholes.

Let that sink in. Remember that you're having an open political discussion on a hooker board and the Gazpacho aren't busting in your door to drag you off to a gulag just for posting this shit here.

Then, in a couple weeks, vote your fucking conscience instead of putting party before country and elect some other assholes into jobs they don't actually deserve.
snoopy75's Avatar
Stop making so much sense, HD. Well said.
berryberry's Avatar
To just give DeSantis full credit for the bridge being rebuilt is ridiculous. It's a combination of federal, state, and local governments working together. But again, very easy to twist stories around to try to prove your point.
Originally Posted by rmg_35
There you go lying yet again

The Sanibel causeway opening is all thanks to the Florida Department of Transportation and the Florida Department of Emergency Management under the competent leadership of Governor DeSantis

Meanwhile it will take 3 years and 1.7 million dollars to build a single restroom in libtard run California

Again, this is the difference between competent Conservative leadership in Florida and incompetent libtard leadership in California
eyecu2's Avatar
How about we just vote for moderates and stop electing hyperpartisan clowns from either party?

Probably the most succinct lines ever posted in the sandbox.

This is one nation made up of many people and cultures, forged together by freedom and opportunity. And a fuckload of ego driven swagger.

This is the greatest nation in the world. The greatest economy in the world. Greatest military in the world.

True- but there are some here who think that a party is able to change that over the general population.

Instead of pretending one clan of assholes is better than the other clan of assholes, let's acknowledge that we're a nation of assholes and drop the bullshit.

Remember that you're having an open political discussion on a hooker board and the Gazpacho aren't busting in your door to drag you off to a gulag just for posting this shit here.

Then, in a couple weeks, vote your fucking conscience instead of putting party before country and elect some other assholes into jobs they don't actually deserve. Originally Posted by HDGristle
I totally agree here; moral of any story- vote for people who are qualified for the job; vs the ones that just carry the storyboard that you want to hear.
berryberry's Avatar
More sane, competent Conservative leadership unlike the libtards who violate girl's right to privacy

The Florida Board of Education unanimously passed new rules requiring all public and charter schools to provide bathrooms and locker rooms separated by biological sex