Winter weather in Georgia

Hey everyone!

I had hopes of touring the south this summer, but things happened, so I'm thinking about visiting after Christmas.

I was wondering what the weather's like in GA from now til Spring.

Thanks in advance.


atlcomedy's Avatar
I'll assume you are concerned about being able to get around and conduct commerce not plant a garden or go ice fishing.

We usually get one or two difficult weeks a year. Last year was the worst in the decade I've lived here and we were literally iced in and no one did anything. Usually in February.

Other than that very mild and comfortable. In fact many days in Janruary when a light jacket or sheatshirt is comfortable.
Oh that's good to know. Yeah, we had a couple weeks like that last year. A few feet of snow, abandoned cars piled up on the streets because the snow was too high.. I'd just rather not have an accident or be stuck there. Thanks for the info.