Is Hobbying Safer than Picking Up People at the Bar

I've been wondering if hobbying is safer(STD wise) than picking up a stranger at the bar.

The reason this came about is my friends cousn was in the hospital with a serious bacteria infection and it turned out that she was HIV positive. And this girl is very attractive.

Now personally since I began hobbying I get tested often. Do you think that because hobbyers and providers are so active we get tested more often than others. Or is picking up a stranger is safer.

Both are obviously high risk of course
I think that hobbying is safer, because in general, providers take more preventative measures than say, you average drunk chick in a bar. There are always exceptions to this rule, but quality providers are concerned about not only their safety but the safety of others...this leads to my next point: it's also safer because we don't have any expectations of you calling us in the morning, do you still respect me after I let you massage your cum into my face last night, will this relationship go anywhere, should I give him a call, and the host of other problems related to civilian women.

Like you said, both are obviously high risk. But I think hobby life leads you to take extra precautions that might otherwise be ignored or disregarded by a civilian wrapped up in the heat of the moment. Just my two cents.
I've been wondering if hobbying is safer(STD wise) than picking up a stranger at the bar.

The reason this came about is my friends cousn was in the hospital with a serious bacteria infection and it turned out that she was HIV positive. And this girl is very attractive.

Now personally since I began hobbying I get tested often. Do you think that because hobbyers and providers are so active we get tested more often than others. Or is picking up a stranger is safer.

Both are obviously high risk of course Originally Posted by deuceswilld83
Well, if you married, hobbying is definitely safer. As already pointed out, you don't have the drama you do with civilian women.

I saw a tag line by one particular hobbyist on ASPD that has become my mantra: "I don't pay for sex. I pay for her not to tell my wife"
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I've been wondering if hobbying is safer(STD wise) than picking up a stranger at the bar.

The reason this came about is my friends cousn was in the hospital with a serious bacteria infection and it turned out that she was HIV positive. And this girl is very attractive.

Now personally since I began hobbying I get tested often. Do you think that because hobbyers and providers are so active we get tested more often than others. Or is picking up a stranger is safer.

Both are obviously high risk of course Originally Posted by deuceswilld83
If you are looking to pick up a woman in a bar for sex, then hobbying is safer (provided that you've done your proper research in your favorite provider).

For the most part it is clean, safe and no messy emotional attachments.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I think that hobbying is safer, ....because we don't have any expectations of you calling us in the morning, do you still respect me after I let you massage your cum into my face last night, will this relationship go anywhere, should I give him a call, and the host of other problems related to civilian women. Originally Posted by UTR ATF
Oh, man. Ain't that the truth! Civilian women (some) think they can turn any encounter into a relationship, and get pissed when the guy doesn't want one, EVEN AFTER TERMS WERE KNOWN UPFRONT. One of my boys is going through hell trying to distance himself from a civilian friend. He gets a lot more free pussy than I do, but damn. It ain't even worth it what he goes through sometimes (house break ins, car keyed up, court issues, etc).

I love providers. Easy arrangements and they're completely in tune with the 'I'll call you when I need you' philosophy.
Thuck Fat's Avatar
For the most part it is clean, safe and no messy emotional attachments. Originally Posted by Captain Caveman
That may be the case for some but you get some hobbyists who become careless where the SO is calling a provider's phone, reading text msgs, etc. and from there it's no different than doing dirt in civilian life. All hell could break loose. I don't think there is a dog house labeled "Only Caught Hobbying"...... Busted is Busted IMHO.
The thing is, you do not know how your "friend's cousin" got iy. Blood transfusion? IV drug user? sexually active? Did a nurse fail to follow universal procautions one time during a routine blood test?

Good STD stat info can be found on

Unless it has changed drastically in the US, teens are historically the number one risk group, IV drug users and prostitutes were the next highest group. * I have never seen a sub-grouping for johns, or a breakdown of escorts between SW's and Internet escorts in any study.

I think we would like to believe it is safer, but stats indicate there is are risks to consider. Do what you can to minimize those risksand don't participate if you cannot live with the possible outcomes.

You could get hit by a truck tomorrow or diagnosed with cancer next year. It doesn't mean you do not live life. You just don't do it recklessly and avoid those that do.
Ron Mexico's Avatar
When I was dating a stripper, a lot of her non-stripper friends had herpes. Not like 50% or anything like that, but certainly more than I had come across on my own. My guess was that hot girls have sex with guys who have multple sex partners because they are handsome, rich, or both. It wouldn't surprise me if some of those guys had unprotected sex with more than 50 chicks a year. Some of their boyfriends were "Tool Academy" in real life. These were very attractive girls, many with low self-esteem issues.
It dosent matter who you Fu**. You need to be carefull wherever and whomever you may be with. You cant be to safe.
Both are high risk as far as STD are concernced. His cousin
might be a provider for all you know.
CPI said it best:

You could get hit by a truck tomorrow or diagnosed with cancer next year. It doesn't mean you do not live life. You just don't do it recklessly and avoid those that do.

There are risk with the hobby as well as picking up a lady in a bar. The reason I like a provider is that I dont have to wake up with her in the morning.
  • T-Can
  • 04-02-2010, 08:25 AM
It dosent matter who you Fu**. You need to be carefull wherever and whomever you may be with. You cant be to safe. Originally Posted by Tara Evans

But many of those safety issues go right out the window on one night stands(and other situations) because of being caught up in the "moment" or being intoxicated (or both).

I had a roommate awhile back who would not sleep with a guy until they prove they were tested and showed her the test but when she got drunk, all inhibitions went out the window!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Unless it has changed drastically in the US, teens are historically the number one risk group, IV drug users and prostitutes were the next highest group. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Crap. I better stop having sessions with the 18 and 19 year old escorts because 2 strikes are two strikes too many!


As others have noted, being safe no matter if it is a hookup from the bar, strip club encounter, or a scheduled session with an escort helps increase your chances of remaining STD free.

Having unprotected sex in the civilian world seems more risky to me because I've seen way too many civilians lately in my circle I travel who have gotten pregnant "by accident". (Accident my ass. Forgetting that condom or not being on the pill both, that ain't an accident.)

And who out there reading this really needs or wants to become a new baby daddy right now? Those mandatory child support payments if you knock someone up will really kill your hobby life won't it?

The topic here is STDs of course and there are many common ones that can be cured with a shot or pills. But pregnancy and other STDs cannot.

I have a few restaurants I love to go eat now and then and let me tell you, NOTING makes me cringe more than to see some hot new waitress with a damn herpes cold sore barely covered up on her lip. More of the young waitresses in the "popular" restaurants with the herpe than not in most places too BTW.
Tara's right. You need to be careful regardless of whether it's a Provider or a hot lady you pick up at a bar. If I'm looking for a bar pickup I'll usually add one other criteria; namely I'll only pickup married women.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Providers have checkups. Girls at a bar only get checked when they have a big problem. Safer to see a reputable provider.