A succinct description of the #2

oilfieldace's Avatar
The sweetest 27 words ever written. Short precise and dead on accurate. So simple even a liberal should be able to understand! But alas, they don’t. Perhaps it’s the public school edumaction that teaches and preaches about pee pees innies and outees that has caused this country to run aground.

Read it and weep, it is the law of the land written in a manner a simpleton should understand.

Long Live the free Country of the US of A

Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
From you headline I thought you might be talking about your bowel movements.

oilfieldace's Avatar
Just a worm for trolls. With little knowledge of history
VitaMan's Avatar
Was there a standing military in those days ? Taxes were not in favor during those times. Did the government have the ability to tax and pay for a military and the guns, supplies, and all that goes with that ?

That may have been part of their reasoning and the reason for their descriptive and careful wording of this Amendment.

The Founding Fathers would be shocked at the amount of taxes levied and collected now. Likely they would be shocked on other matters as well.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Particularly the lack of viable public education.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Nice try. They specifically promoted gun ownership for the purpose of throwing off an oppressive government.
VitaMan's Avatar
Because they didn't have a military to do that.

And they didn't have the power to tax to raise one.
winn dixie's Avatar
Nice try. They specifically promoted gun ownership for the purpose of throwing off an oppressive government. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
100% THIS! libs know it and hate it!
VitaMan's Avatar
Again, they had no military to do that.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Because they didn't have a military to do that. Originally Posted by VitaMan
A standing military ~IS~ the government, and precisely the reason the founders wanted, and got, an armed citizenry.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Here comes the “bUt tHe pEoPle DoNt HaVe A cHaNcE aGaInSt ThE aRmY” argument, from a bunch of armchair military experts, who’ve never been anywhere near a war, let alone see firsthand how handful of guys in sandals can stop the most powerful army ever assembled.
VitaMan's Avatar
A standing military ~IS~ the government, and precisely the reason the founders wanted, and got, an armed citizenry. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Not all. They are discussing a military force for a government....not vigilantes.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Was there a standing military in those days ? Taxes were not in favor during those times. Did the government have the ability to tax and pay for a military and the guns, supplies, and all that goes with that ?

That may have been part of their reasoning and the reason for their descriptive and careful wording of this Amendment.

The Founding Fathers would be shocked at the amount of taxes levied and collected now. Likely they would be shocked on other matters as well. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Where is the standing Military today, have they infiltrated the inner cities to stop senseless murders are they at the southern border stopping an illegal planned and paid for invasion of our southern border?

The reason #2 is so important
winn dixie's Avatar
The Second makes all the others possible! Something to give thanks for. Especially today!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know exactly where the standing military is.

Additionally each state has a National Guard and/or State Police. If you’re lucky, they’ve got county and city paramilitary force as well. The founders took ALL of that into account.

Appears we all need a #2.