Paris/DesignDiva/Assault/Pimp Allegations

  • YSD
  • 12-13-2014, 10:15 PM
Alert: please be careful guys. I was guilty of trolling BP this evening when the following jumped out at me:

I know it is only an allegation and an opinion but where there is smoke there is usually fire. Your safety could potentially be at risk.

She is starting to spiral downward quickly. Be careful!
DarthMaul's Avatar
Damn, that's fucked up but no need to start (3) new threads.

#1. I am sure she may come to defend herself in this thread


#2. She has someone who wants to be her pimp or some other provider is hating??

mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 12-13-2014, 11:20 PM
1: Sucks to be that guy.

2: Based off of what I have read, it's kind of a good thing I've steered clear.
Sjc21108's Avatar
Damn, that's fucked up but no need to start (3) new threads.

#1. I am sure she may come to defend herself in this thread


#2. She has someone who wants to be her pimp or some other provider is hating??

Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Or #3 the OP somehow got butt hurt.
  • YSD
  • 12-15-2014, 12:44 PM
@Sjc21108: not at all dude! I read the post and wanted to give my fellow hobbyists a heads up. I was not exactly positive where exactly to post since this was a first for me in my 12 plus years of hobbying.

That is the deal on this one
Stromprophet's Avatar
Or #3 the OP somehow got butt hurt. Originally Posted by Sjc21108
There seems to be some weirdness and up and down going on. Just my opinion on the outside about that provider from everything I've read.
Anna Nikkole's Avatar
Ad is deleted
Wow I can't believe this guy would go as far as to put his CC info online and pay in order to post a false "Warning" about me!! What a cruel individual. Guys this is completely false personal attack on me & yes probably sending a message mad that I started posting on BP. I'm here to state i have never owned pepper spray in my life, I'm a free spirited nature loving hippy. I own a 501C3 non profit for children with autism my baby brother suffers from it, I'm active in my community and volunteer for wounded warriors program, I would never assault or harm another human being it goes against everything I was brought up to believe and everything I live by. We are all humans with feelings and families this was the most absurd thing that I had ever read about myself! And in hindsight the person who posted this thread was the first to text message me and make me aware of the BP post and he even linked the whole post. Maybe someone was proud of their work? Wanted a little gold star for his paper?? I'm not sure what the motivation was for this personal attack but the Bp post was a sick joke It felt like I was reading a preview from a crappy fiction/drama novel. Also I don't have a pimp never would I take that route, for what? I raise my kids and pay my bills my self. Unfortunately this allegation lead to an actual sexual assault on me on Xmas eve. Because of that post about me on BP someone targeted me and did something to me that has never happened in my life. I returned home to my kids on Xmas eve with black makeup running down my face, my hair all messed up from the struggle and no $ for Christmas dinner there was only 2 presents under my tree one for each child. My kids were so confused they have never seen me so upset I couldn't tell them what happened of course so they are still asking me what happened. I ended up telling them I was crying because I ran out of gas and no one would stop to help ( which was part of the truth) that actually did happen earlier that evening before the assault. To read more about what happened to me, I'll be posting an alert with all the details so that I can warn other ladies and hopefully he can be exposed... He's going to end up hurting someone worse to where they can't return home to their kids and families.
But to wrap up this topic, it never happened I put that on god and everyone I love, I put it on my fathers grave that this alleged assault by me and my phantom "pimp" was completely made up. I would never pepper spray, rob, steal, cash & dash or hurt another person. It's not in my nature & just awful to think about much less commit. And for someone to accuse me of a felony I believe is a crime itself. Just had to finally speak up and defend myself after processing everything. I refuse to be accused of something so horrible and stay quiet about it. And good observation about the number 99... Smh. I thought he was my friend and never thought he would personally attack me. I guess that makes me stupid for trusting people. Now I'm just going to be more on guard & cautious. Hopefully he dosent get his way by killing my business & reputation on eccie forever.
NorTex's Avatar
Now Paris...Tisk, Tisk. We both know your statement isn't entirely true.
  • YSD
  • 12-31-2014, 10:10 PM
I already posted this response in the Alert section, but since I see now that Paris posted it here as well, please find my one and only response to her diatribe below:

Just a quick reply. I did not make the BP post nor did I personally encounter said pimp. I did text Paris to alert her and to ask her to take stock of what was being said. That is all.

Paris, get a grip and take hold of your situation. You Are spiraling downhill quickly. As I told you via text you can call me when you do hit rock bottom.

Now some insight for the rest of you. I had seen her 5 or 6 times. She is a nice girl. Ask her if she ever went to the restroom and then fell asleep. Ask her why so many reviews mention the disappearing act and them the nodding off. Better yet read reviews about her sleepy time issues. Then read the reviews about collecting upfront so she can"give it to her brother for car repairs ".

Where there is smoke there is fire. In this case there is an inferno. Disappear to fall asleep either with you or in the bathroom. Draw your own conclusion. Lastly regarding the BP ad, I would never had posted such preposterous garbage. The pimp would have posted it telling you how badly I beat his freaking sorry ass.

That is my side and will be my only post and only reply.

Paris, get hold of yourself and take care of you. I do not want to read the final chapter to your story.
Wakeup's Avatar
As I told you via text you can call me when you do hit rock bottom. Originally Posted by Jericho99
citizen44's Avatar
Why? Originally Posted by Wakeup
It's obvious from reading the responses, he's watched Pretty Woman a few too may times
Russ38's Avatar
Why? Originally Posted by Wakeup
^^^^ This......