Words have meaning - Monger

Words and phrases have meaning. Their meaning may be broad and general or very specific.But they have to have an agreed upon meaning. The meaning may change but at any given time they have a definition. If people try to use words to mean whatever they want, they become meaningless as no one can understand what you are trying to say.

Today’s word is “Monger”
1. A person who is involved with something in a petty or contemptible way (usually used in combination): a gossipmonger.
2. Chiefly British . a dealer in or trader of a commodity (usually used in combination): fishmonger.

verb (used with object)
3. to sell; hawk.

In our context, calling yourself a monger is saying you’re a pimp.

Guys use this here without realizing exactly what they are saying.Maybe they saw someone else use it and thought it was a cool word so they started using it. Maybe they thought they knew what it means but never looked it up. Maybe they think they are hip or cool. A very few may actually understand the word but are using it is a clever way. Very few though.

No one can stop you from typing anything you want. But realize the words you choose to use convey something about you. If you don’t use words correctly, you increase the chances someone will misunderstand what you are trying to say or that others will simply think you are an uneducated boob. (Or in my case, a very bad typist)

Or a pimp.

And dat be dat… Be cool and peace out
FunInDFW's Avatar
Totes cereal and fo shazzle mah nazzle!

(in all seriousness, your point is valid and the words you choose to use can help make up for the lack of emphasis text can not convey. In a business where impressions are made over text, it can go a long way)
Anyone with an Eddie Izzard avatar is all right with me. He'll be in Dallas next week.
Chung Tran's Avatar
be especially aware, if you're calling yourself a monger who TOFTT..
LOL That one is my text topic.
be especially aware, if you're calling yourself a monger who TOFTT.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Im NOT a pimp... Just putting that out there.
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
The classic definition with the 'w' word attached would include all hobbyists as 'those who frequent..."providers"...'
Boltfan's Avatar
Im NOT a pimp... Just putting that out there. Originally Posted by MrMonger
Sure... Originally Posted by Boltfan
QUIT IT BOLT!!! Or Im going to ban you from seeing my hoes!
<-----MrMonger's Ho
Yes and you are currently on PTO!

<-----MrMonger's Ho Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Monger...is this what I pay you for????
Monger...is this what I pay you for???? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Ahhhhhhh...so this one you like. Haahaaaa (had to do that for y'all)

FREE MY N***A (Ninja) MUFFIN!!!
Ahhhhhhh...so this one you like. Haahaaaa (had to do that for y'all)

FREE MY N***A (Ninja) MUFFIN!!! Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj

Huh? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Just poking at you a little. It's all good.