Long Live The Irish Homeland!



Harry Richardson is a long-time student of Islam and author of best seller, "the Story Of Mohammed - Islam Unveiled',

Tue 20 Mar 2018

Have you heard the one about the Irishman who was so stupid that he………. Well, you know the rest. When the Irish first came to England en masse, it was to dig canals and build railways. Most of the new migrants were illiterate bog farmers and the Irish were soon typecast as a bit s.t.u.p.i.d.

These days, things have changed somewhat, and people no longer think of the Irish as stupid. Is this new assessment accurate? I think we may be about to find out.

Ireland is going to be invaded. Plans have been drawn up, resources have been allocated and the announcement has been made. Strangely enough, it is the Irish Government that has made the plans and announced them to the Irish people. The name they have given this plan is “Ireland 2040.”

Trudeau with gay Irish PM and his partner... Trudeau, Varadkar and Macron have been dubbed the Avocado Kids

Of course, the Irish Government hasn’t actually admitted that it is an invasion. They are probably hoping that their citizens really are a bit d.u.m.b. and won’t realise what is going on.

Since forever ago, invasions have looked rather different. Traditionally, Tribe “A” would get a bit hungry, restive or jealous of Tribe “B.” They would stockpile some weapons, beat their drums and send their young warriors to grab some or all of Tribe “B’s” territory/belongings.

The aim was always the same. Grab political control over the people and territory of Tribe “B.” The glittering prize was the land, resources and women of the hapless neighbour.

Unfortunately, neighbours rarely take this sort of aggression lying down. They also have spears, arrows, guns, bombs, missiles and the like. Often, such aggression can go horribly wrong and the hunters can find themselves becoming the hunted.

Not surprisingly then, despite the temptations, most societies spend rather more time in some kind of peace than they do in all out war.

But then came democracy. Democracy is a fabulous system of government (at least when compared to all the others). Unfortunately, it has a rather serious flaw and it was only a matter of time before someone figured it out and exploited it.

In a democracy, ultimate political power is spread across the entire the population. Each citizen has a small bit of power and can exercise this power in regular elections.

The Government is therefore dependent on its people for power. So, to take political power in a democracy, you need votes. To get votes you need two things. Firstly, you need to be persuasive and credible. Secondly, and most importantly, you need money.

Without money, it is impossible to build a team and get a palatable message out to the people. You don’t need a lot of money. A few tens of millions is enough in most Western countries. With that sort of dough, you can pretty well get the Press on board too.

That is well outside what the average Joe can afford of course, but for a large corporation or banking conglomerate, chipping in a few hundred grand for a favourable ruling is money well spent.

This kind of corruption is inevitable and acts as a drag on society. Compared with a brutal and corrupt dictatorship however, it is a literal paradise. We put up with oil companies squeezing out competition or unions stitching up sweetheart deals on the docks. We know instinctively that the alternative is bound to be much worse and that no system is ever perfect.

But what if it isn’t a greedy corporation gaming the system for a few bucks and a competitive advantage? Supposing it were another nation with hostile intent. Even the poorest nations can spare a few million bucks. In fact, leaders of the poorest nations can often syphon off money far more easily than leaders in wealthier, less corrupt ones.

So, if a hostile government wanted to secretly undermine a democratic nation, they can simply start donating to all (usually “both”) political parties in that nation.

By donating large amounts of money, it is quite easy to take control of any organisation over time. Political parties consist of paid people and volunteers.

It is always the paid people in an organisation who wield ultimate power however, and he who pays the piper, calls the tune. You just keep squeezing out people who don’t agree with your agenda by threatening to cut funding from the rest.

Pretty soon, anyone prepared to stand up to you will be working at Maccas. The remaining suits will be a bunch of Quislings who would sell their own Grandchildren in return for their weekly brown envelope.

Once you have completed your stealth takeover of the major political parties, you can begin the stealth takeover of the rest of the nation. How do you accomplish that, you may ask?

Well, it is no good just asking for the keys to The Lodge up front. You need to be a little bit subtle about it. Essentially, you need to disenfranchise the people of the country and ensure that they no longer have a real say in what decisions are made by their Government.

The first, and most important step therefore, is to insist upon high levels of immigration from countries with entirely different cultures, preferably your own aggressive and supremacist culture. Remember that each new citizen has a small level of political power? Therefore, by swamping the country with your own people, you effectively disenfranchise the locals from political power.

People from tribal cultures, vote tribally. That is why democracy doesn’t work in tribal places like Iraq or PNG. However, when you dump tribal people into a Western democracy, their tribal voting patterns and tribal outlooks soon give them inordinate power. By ensuring that the Government schools start blaming whites for everything, all non-whites will soon vote against any white candidate.

You may remember Barry Obama’s tilt at the Presidency. 95% of Blacks voted for him of course. Yet Hispanics and Asians also voted 2 to 1 in his favour, despite the fact that Hispanics run rival gangs and Asians are not noted for a love of African Americans.

Only Whites voted against their ethnic interests with 43% going for Obama. This was the highest number of whites voting Democrat since Jimmy Carter, and the numbers were far higher among indoctrinated youngsters. So, who did the Press blame for racist voting patterns? Yep, the white voters.

Of course, there will be resistance to this evil plan. It is important therefore to ensure that the Government of the target nation quash this resistance with everything in its power. The best way to do this is to ensure that “racism” is elevated to the position of the most serious crime in the nation. Meanwhile, patriotism by white people must be associated with evil racist supremacism, even though European cultures are among the least “supremacist” on the planet.

Simultaneously, the target Government can instruct its universities to redefine “racism.” The word must no longer mean “discrimination based on race.” Instead, it must only mean, “any action by white people which the newcomers don’t like.”

Once this redefinition of “racism” is accomplished, then non-whites can declare open season against white people. When “Asians” (British Newspeak meaning Muslims) rape and enslave schoolgirls on an industrial scale, British police consider it “racist” to intervene.

The Government can then fully turn against its own people, setting up “Human Rights Tribunals” or other Orwellian bodies which act solely against any of the original inhabitants who try to resist.

Of course, these actions constitute treason by the Government against its people. Smart Governments therefore should remove the crime of treason from the books as Tony Blair did.

This plan is well advanced in all Western (formerly) Christian countries with one exception. I don’t know how it happened, but Ireland seems to have slipped under the radar. Perhaps because they were so hostile to England that it was assumed that they were an ally. Perhaps because they never had colonies.

For whatever reason, Ireland is still lacking “enrichment” and the powers that be are desperate to play catch up. Ireland 2040, is a plan to dump a staggering one million people in Ireland over the next 20 years. Currently, Ireland has a population of less than 5 million people. No credible reason has been given for this insanity.

The plan is being promoted by an openly gay, half-Indian bloke called Leo Varadkar (above) who just happens to be the Irish PM. How did a gay, half Indian, pro-abortionist manage to become the Irish PM, you may ask?

Well he wasn’t voted into office, at least not by the people of Ireland. While Minister for Health he managed to get changes passed which gave the Parliamentarians the majority say in the election of the party leader. Then there was a leadership spill and although rank-and-file party members voted against him by 2:1, he was elected leader by a decent majority.

Since his party was already in power, he became PM by default, just like our Malcolm.

So, the question is, where will Leo get a million people from? Will it be poor Catholics from South America? If it is, then I will eat my welding shield. You can be sure that the newcomers will be from Africa and the Middle East.

Africans and Middle Easterners have a staggeringly high birth rate. They need it because firstly, their Islamic faith mandates it as part of their strategy of conquest. Also, historically, their culture and technology have produced an infant mortality rate that would make a salmon blush.

Put them in a first world country like Ireland however, and watch their numbers explode. The new migrants will almost certainly be people of childbearing age.

Ireland now has an ageing population, so while the newcomers will only make up one fifth of the population, they will probably make up a third to one half of people of childbearing age. With such huge birth-rates compared to the Irish, maternity hospitals in the Emerald Isle will soon have a majority of non-Irish clientele.

If this plan goes ahead, then Irish children in the future will find out what it means to grow up as a white minority in a majority black country. If they are not sure how that will work out, they could try asking a white South African farmer. Alternatively, they could ask white farmers from any other part of Africa.

The only question now then, is how will the Irish people react to this? OK, this plan has worked like a charm in other countries, but they had the advantage of surprise. In 1948, the Poms had no idea of what was happening when their Government opened their borders. Likewise, in Sweden, the locals were too busy listening to Abba and inventing flatpack furniture when their Government pulled the same stunt in the Seventies.

Besides, the Swedes have never had much stomach for fighting against aggressive anti-semitic invaders (just ask a Norwegian).

The Irish however, may turn out to be rather less of a push over. Remember that we now have the internet and the powers that be no longer hold a monopoly on information.

As someone whose nation has experience in invading Ireland, I can attest to the fact that the locals can be somewhat uncooperative.

I well remember the time that the IRA bombed the hotel in Brighton where the Conservative Government was holding its conference. They narrowly missed Margaret Thatcher, taking out Norman Tebbit’s unfortunate wife instead.

Yet any sins the English committed in Ireland, pale into insignificance compared to Varadkar’s treasonous scheme.

Four hundred years after the English invasion, the Irish have their own nation which is currently prosperous, stable and secure. If this new invasion goes ahead then within a few decades Ireland will never again be a homeland for the Irish.

How will the Irish people react to this? Will they figure it out and treat their own politicians like the Italians treated Mussolini? That isn’t a possibility that I would recommend ignoring.

I guess Mr Varadkar is hoping that the Irish are all like the two unemployed lumberjacks walking through a forest looking for work. One spots a sign saying, “Tree Fellers Wanted.”

“Be Jeezus Mick” he says to his mate, “What a pity there’s only two of us.”
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hope that doesnt happen.

yeah, surprised that the irish didn't get a taste of that....
hope that doesnt happen.

yeah, surprised that the irish didn't get a taste of that.... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I'm watching Ireland just like South Africa! Long Die Mussolini and the Fruiter Boys...

Certainly that sounds almost what the muzzie in chief (obama) tried doing here!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Certainly that sounds exactly like the mulatto Manchurian Candidate in chief (obama) tried doing here! Originally Posted by garhkal

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ain’t nothing like a racist rant from our resident horrible bigot to keep that old,Day Camp spirit on the rise here in the political forum.
bamscram's Avatar
God invented whiskey so the Irish wouldn't rule the world.
Ain’t nothing like a racist rant from our resident horrible bigot to keep that old,Day Camp spirit on the rise here in the political forum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Which one is a Poop Prophet, like you Shithole Eater? All four of yaaa!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ain’t nothing like a racist rant from our resident horrible bigot to keep that old,Day Camp spirit on the rise here in the political forum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

ain't nothing like a racist calling someone a racist, which makes you the ultimate and undisputed racist!

have you forgiven your ex-wife the NK spy for murdering your piglets to start her bbq restaurant?



This is Assup's "son" being roasted!! Oh the Humanity!!!!

bamscram's Avatar
ain't nothing like a racist calling someone a racist, which makes you the ultimate and undisputed racist!

have you forgiven your ex-wife the NK spy for murdering your piglets to start her bbq restaurant?



This is Assup's "son" being roasted!! Oh the Humanity!!!!


Looks more like yours goat boy.
God invented whiskey so the Irish wouldn't rule the world. Originally Posted by bamscram

God gave ekkky a face so he could cry this...

bamscram's Avatar
God gave ekkky a face so he could cry this...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Shame he didn't give iffy/bot a mind.