Strange question about squirters

AcesHigh's Avatar
I have been very interested in requesting an appointment with several beautiful ladies who advertise as "squirters." My problem is that the one experience that I have had in that regard was not appealing to me. Question: Can you request a lady not "squirt" during a session? Is that physically possible? Is that rude? Should we who don't like that simply avoid those gorgeous options?
Question: Can you request a lady not "squirt" during a session? Is that physically possible? Is that rude? Originally Posted by AcesHigh
It suspect it would not be much different than her requesting that you not "squirt" during a session.
Yes, absolutely you can request a lady to not 'squirt' during a session.

However, if you are really good with your hands down there you might want to take it easy! LOL
derek303's Avatar
Aces, there are hundered of girls to see that don't squirt. I would think you could make the choice to see ones that don't. The rare one's that do, I wouldn't want to hold them back. That would IMO have a downer on the session.
blenderhead's Avatar
Not appealing? Once you've been with a squirter it's hard to go back!
  • Chloe
  • 11-25-2010, 12:35 AM
It's just like any other request You like what you like . . .BUT did you just experience one type of squirter? We all cum in different ways With experience squirting can be done on many levels . . .from the flood to the shot across the room . . . .I'm just sayin' . . .

If it is not your thing you have to just read read read on the reviews . . .I don't squirt all the time but I am DEFINITELY very soaking wet so figure out what the likes and dislike are overall personally with you and go towards a gal that reviews the way you prefer with the mention of the non-desire of squirting We don't take offense to that type of request.
Not appealing? Once you've been with a squirter it's hard to go back! Originally Posted by blenderhead
I disagree. I used to have a civie FB who squirted, and I eventually stopped calling her, because I got tired of having to lay out like 8 towels every time she came over just so I wouldn't have to wash the sheets every time afterward and/or keep her from soaking the mattress. Plus, if she does it while you're inside her, it's like peeing in your pants... warm sensation at first, but then everything is cold and sticky. I mean, I guess it's cool the first couple of times you experience it, but it gets old after awhile.

Anyway, to Maxie... I'm glad you chimed in about this, because I'd been wondering that about you lol