Bob Costas; idiot, hack, fool, jerk, all of the above?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Bob Costas took time out of the football game to say some stupid shit about gun control quoting Kansas City reject Jason Whitlock. Guns are the reason that both this people are dead according to Whitlock/Costas. Good thing OJ didn't have a gun or his wife might have been killed.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Like I said in a different thread; I have never liked Bob Costas and now I know why.
Anyone who quotes Whitlock is dumber than Jason is.

Bob Costas took time out of the football game to say some stupid shit about gun control quoting Kansas City reject Jason Whitlock. Guns are the reason that both this people are dead according to Whitlock/Costas. Good thing OJ didn't have a gun or his wife might have been killed. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What did he say that was stupid? That if Belcher didn't have a gun, he and his girlfriend would probably be alive today? Most likely true.

I've seen the OJ analogy thrown up by every gun rights advocate and there's no doubt that Belcher could've accomplished his mission using other weapons. But, there's also no doubt that the easy availability of guns means more murders, more suicides and more gun-related violence in every single country where guns are readily available. You simply can't argue with the statistic that Japan, England and multiple other countries have virtually zero gun deaths and that the reason that is true is because nobody owns guns in those countries or guns are very tightly controlled. Compare that with the United States which has one of the highest rates of gun violence in the world. Instead of being ranked with Japan, England, Scotland and Ireland, we're on the list that includes Brazil, Mexico and Swaziland.

Don't get me wrong. I own plenty of guns. And, I'm not stupid enough to think that there is any way to control or get rid of the hundreds of millions of guns that are already circulating out there in the US. That genie is out of the bottle.

But, I think it says something about our country and our culture that we've now become numb about gun violence. Every day, something like this Belcher tragedy gets played out a dozen times around the US....Every 6 months or once a year, twenty or thirty people get shot by some whacko and our response is either "Oh, that's a tragedy" or, if you're a gun weirdo "Well, everybody should be carrying a gun so you could defend yourself in that situation." and then we go back to resuming our lives until the next story we see on the news about senseless murder and/or suicide by gun.

It's a shame.... and it's a shame that when people like Costas point out how absolutely insane the gun violence in the US is, they are attacked and vilified.
Costa's rant went well beyond talking about "insane gun violence" in America. He advocated taking constitutionally guaranteed rights away.

But you are obviously comfortable in lying about what Costa's said, as well as giving up your constitutional rights.

.... and it's a shame that when people like Costas point out how absolutely insane the gun violence in the US is, they are attacked and vilified. Originally Posted by timpage
Costa's rant went well beyond talking about "insane gun violence" in America. He advocated taking constitutionally guaranteed rights away.

But you are obviously comfortable in lying about what Costa's said, as well as giving up your constitutional rights. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I see your little break from our board didn't improve your disposition or analytical powers.

I just watched the Costas tape again. I dunno what he's advocating. Seems to me that he is simply making statements that are probably correct. Just like the ones I made in my response to the OP.

I'm not advocating gun control. But, your knee-jerk accusatory responsive post is typically illustrative of why any suggestion that maybe too many Americans are dying from gunshot wounds, and perhaps we should have a discussion about how that might be addressed, is a nonstarter. Idiots like you are incapable of addressing the issue....and apparently don't care to.

Which takes me back to where I started. It's a shame that we've reached the point where the 90 or so gun deaths in the US every day are viewed as acceptable "collateral damage" for your precious 2nd Amendment rights. Gun violence like the Belcher murder/suicide will happen multiple times across the US today. We'll have another 20 or 30 people shot by some whacko in the next 12 months somewhere in the US. All I'm saying is that it seems like we ought to be able to do something about it.
Of course you "dunno know what he's advocating".......your too dumb-down to understand.

Intelligent and informed people around America understood what Costa's is what the liberal Christian Science Monitor said he said:
"Bob Costas advocates gun control during half time show."

I just watched the Costas tape again. I dunno what he's advocating. ... Originally Posted by timpage
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm surprised that you didn't quote Costas. He only read a statement by a moron (my term) and it did not reflect his point of view.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-04-2012, 11:22 AM
who in the hell listens to the lil munchkin anyway?

Costas a sports guru? .. midgetboy never played anything in his life and from where I sit hes never owned a gun either ... fuckim
uuuuh JD?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-04-2012, 02:17 PM
uuuuh JD? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
oh yeah ... guess that pretty much qualifies Costas for the national ignore list huh?
LexusLover's Avatar
What did he say that was stupid? That if Belcher didn't have a gun, he and his girlfriend would probably be alive today? Most likely true. Originally Posted by timpage
Yes, at least not dead from a gunshot, and stupid at the same time, because ...

... at least they wouldn't be dead from a gunshot.

"Peterson, 58, a former Bolingbrook police sergeant, is on trial in the 2004 bathtub drowning of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, 40. Savio's death, which came as the pair underwent a contentious fight over property in their divorce, initially was treated as an accident."

People shouldn't use a tragedy to forward a political agenda. Regardless of what it is.
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LexusLover's Avatar

I think I would eat the sandwich first.