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(Insert backpage ad here)
Lmao they have $ to keep posting ads but not their phone!
phone?........... alot of them dont have a car!LOL!................ and they make about three times ( and could) what the average person who maintains both those items and still has the money to see them.......only really wants too, if some could just get their shit togethor!!LOL

they always need rides and to " borrow" money, and alot already have medicare, foodstamps, wic, name it..

bottom line,.......... they......... ( the people that produce dollars in denominations....the government)....... cant make enough money if they even wanted too......... and hired more people to print it........................... and bought extra machines..... to keep up with their spending habits!!
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 06-27-2012, 09:53 AM
I thought this thread was going to be about the hand motion NN showed off during Nita's M&G last October.
was that the one when she said her jaw was sore?. now..that was funny..
heatherelite's Avatar
phone?........... alot of them dont have a car!LOL!................ and they make about three times ( and could) what the average person who maintains both those items and still has the money to see them.......only really wants too, if some could just get their shit togethor!!LOL

they always need rides and to " borrow" money, and alot already have medicare, foodstamps, wic, name it..

bottom line,.......... they......... ( the people that produce dollars in denominations....the government)....... cant make enough money if they even wanted too......... and hired more people to print it........................... and bought extra machines..... to keep up with their spending habits!! Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Yes, they may make a lot more per day than the avergae person but it's generally very inconsistent. Making $400 in a day is abslolutely awesome but when you don't get another client for 2 weeks that $400 turns into $28 a day. At the risk of giving a point to Doove, who wouldn't need food stamps when living on that much (or little per day)? It's hard to budget when your schedule is at the mercy of your clients; it's especially hard to budget when you spend money you really don't have on a babysitter, motel room, and supplies only to have your client cancel on you 5 minutes before the appointment starts.

Perhaps it's not just the (backpage) providers who need to "get their shit together."

FYI: I've seen several clients who paid for my services with their own SSI.
it was really just an inside joke between me and another guy thats not even on the board.

I do realize it looks to be not a joke or sarcastic so i will explain..

when at the ac club, there are certain hooktards there that constantly ask you for one, two, three dollars at a time, sometimes have no phone, are taking the bus, etc etc....we sometimes sit there and realize for 10 minutes worth of smoozing , and yet there always coming back after 5 minutes time like they have no money.. they may walk away with thirty bucks or something like that... I really cant totally explain it, and really shouldnt have to, but everyone around here is soo sensitive so ill try and continue..

anyways, if you take one of these girls out, you usually have to drive them to three difrent destinations before, sometimes during and after the appointment..

anyways, im very bored of this. as obviously every situation is difrent, I do know and noone can deny that very popular bp girls can and do make from 3 grand to 5 grand per month..

whatever, im extremely bored

what? are you gonna teach me Im insensitive and a horrible human win
jokacz's Avatar
FYI: I've seen several clients who paid for my services with their own SSI. Originally Posted by heatherelite
SSI is the new pension plan for the baby boomers.

Everyone in Buffalo seems to be disabled.
That's why we need to offer lower and force bad girls and scams out!
heatherelite's Avatar
That's why we need to offer lower and force bad girls and scams out! Originally Posted by waynedk1
You're going to end up pushing the good girls out who don't want to be low-balled. All that will be left are the ones you didn't want to begin with.
elghund's Avatar
That's why we need to offer lower and force bad girls and scams out! Originally Posted by waynedk1

Let's see....offer lower.....good luck. You ever hear of supply and demand? The ladies have the supply, and set the price.......what , you think you're at a used car lot?

Let's see #2....force bad girls out.......??????.......really? What a concept.....

Let's see #3.......force scams out.......scams are a part of the life, brother, and no one has gotten rid of them since, well......the invention of good luck with this....

Good grief........

Doove Jr........

pyramider's Avatar
If the phone is not ringing, the provider has no opportunity to create income.