Meet and Greets

I'm new to the hobby and really liked a provider. I reached out and gave all my information to her. To be clear, I'm a complete nerd, and asked if she wanted to do a meet and greet first (not for me, I already liked her). She got frustrated, said that's not common and shows I'm just out to judge her and see if I think her rate is reasonable (I never said that and rate is fine by me). I guess I made a big mistake cause she told me to move on....Any advice on reaching out as a newbie that would be less frustrating for the provider? I definitely don't want to do that!
There are newby friendly providers. I would suggest you post in the welcome forum and introduce yourself.

It is sort of a tough time to be entering the Hobby. Providers needs $$$ needs are being met by unemployment and stimulus money.

It may take some time. I've been around for a long time, and the last dozen or so new providers I have met up with have been a complete disappointment.

You will find a diamond, but may have to search for it. I am lucky, I have two friends and benefits, and three regulars I have seen for years.

Be active on the boards, write reviews when you see someone.

And most importantly, be positive!
Yeah, I struggle with confidence and she assumed my message was geared towards her (it was not). Which I get. Purely about insecurities I have about myself and her ability to judge me first.

Her job is very tough and first impressions are a big deal. I'm just sad I screwed up so bad the first time. Sad I even reached out now.

Thanks for the Welcome Forum idea. I'll definitely look into that!
jajake56's Avatar
If you hobby long enough you will run into problems. Just happened to you on your first try. I say try again. The good experiences in this hobby out weigh the bad, but you must go in knowing there will be bad experiences.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Meet and greets are great for the hobbyist, serving as a screening tool for those that are sick of the untruthful flattering and ad reviews by pimps. They can also be used to break the ice to get rid of the awkwardness of meeting a person for the first time, especially someone you are potentially going to be alone and get naked with.

On the flip side, the majority of providers feel that meet and greets are a waste of their time, especially if the hobbyist chooses not to see her for a session after the M&G. When it comes to deception about her services, a provider cannot lie as well as she can via text or in an ad. Also a M&G could also determine if she has a pimp depending on her answer of if she is willing to do so.

When you look at a couple of other benefits of a M&G, if the provider has nothing to hide and the hobbyist can see her reaction to his questions in person that allows him to make an informed decision to see her and he does end up doing so, he may be a regular customer (something many providers do not think that far ahead when determining to do a M&G), or if he chooses not to see her after the M&G, it saved him from spending his money and her from an honest, but negative review.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
will not meet NEXT
U. Can always offer to pay her for time to meet & Greet at a coffe shop or bar
DallasRain's Avatar
I agree with all above comments!

Try to make her feel as comfortable as you can...research her menu & upfront but not too graphic

hope ya have fun!
I never said I didn't want to pay though! I'm willing to pay full price for a coffee meeting. There must be compatibility to work! I know based off Eccie reviews, pictures and Twitter I liked her. I wanted to give her the option to get to know me. But even asking got a move on and don't talk to me response. I'll caulk it up to being new and naive and not make that mistake again. Just sucks! I really liked her and definitely would have been a regular.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
not many, but a few offer drink or coffee at a low rate
less or same one blow at a bar chasing, or in a coffee shop wishing the waitress ready ta play
breastfan's Avatar
M&G's are a great idea to get thinks started and see if the chemistry is right between the two of you.
I've found quite a few providers are willing/were to go this route and of course the provider should be compensated for her time.
ICU 812's Avatar
Meet-n-Greet anxiety?

Why not schedule a 15-30 min session (at her published rate) with the understanding that it will be strictly coffee and conversation only? Another option would be a longer lunch date.

Keep it like you might when meeting a real world set-up or blind date (but you will pay for her time). The point is, you both have the option to bail. if things are looking good, schedule a BCD session for another day.

Never ask a provider for anything off-the-clock.
Pangolier's Avatar
I'm new to the hobby and really liked a provider. I reached out and gave all my information to her. To be clear, I'm a complete nerd, and asked if she wanted to do a meet and greet first (not for me, I already liked her). She got frustrated, said that's not common and shows I'm just out to judge her and see if I think her rate is reasonable (I never said that and rate is fine by me). I guess I made a big mistake cause she told me to move on....Any advice on reaching out as a newbie that would be less frustrating for the provider? I definitely don't want to do that! Originally Posted by Ttown83

I have yet to meet a woman in this profession who isn't willing to sell her time in some fashion or another. If you offered to pay for the meet and greet, I'm assuming she would have complied. If you asked to get it free, then that probably struck the wrong note with her.
I never said I didn't want to pay though! I'm willing to pay full price for a coffee meeting. There must be compatibility to work! I know based off Eccie reviews, pictures and Twitter I liked her. I wanted to give her the option to get to know me. But even asking got a move on and don't talk to me response. I'll caulk it up to being new and naive and not make that mistake again. Just sucks! I really liked her and definitely would have been a regular. Originally Posted by Ttown83
Not to be rude but the compatibility thing is more for you than her. You are paying her for her time. Some do want to get to know you. Her response makes it clear she has zero interest, which is fine as well. This is not real world dating. Some will make it seem like it which is awesome. that is the goal. But don't overthink it. Just go and have fun.