crowd funding Ukraine

VitaMan's Avatar
For the second time in less than 24 hours, Ukraine has attacked a Russian vessel using one of its own unique crowdfunded maritime drones. The drone was packing 450 kilograms of TNT.

Last year, Ukraine launched a crowd funding campaign, with the stated goal of building "the world's first naval fleet of drones," with those who gave at least $250,000 offered the chance to name one.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Good idea. If you want to send money to Ukraine, go right ahead. Private money can go wherever it pleases, taxpayers dollars stay in OUR country to help OUR people.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Might want to watch that one. Saddam was pretty big on breaking and burning oil wells and flooding the ocean with oil too. Birds of a feather much?

But now that I think of it, crowd funding our Ferel government makes more sense these days? Why should anyone be forced to send more than a couple % to cover the big-Momma government?!? Let them crowd fund for anything beyond protecting our boarders. All the rest? Voluntary donations...
Precious_b's Avatar
If y'all are so against money sent out for such, why ain't you never say anything about those than never paid back for previous campaigns? How much does putin owe for the lend-lease his country never paid back?