Ft Hood johns busted in online prostitution sting

RicardusRex68's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
here's the clickable link..


why is that Sheriff smiling like that? you would think he had just solved the "Son of Sam" murders..
here's the clickable link..


why is that Sheriff smiling like that? you would think he had just solved the "Son of Sam" murders.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
cuz he's saying in the back of his mind, "now try and up that one Parney" (the McLennan Co. leader of clowns in nearby Wacko).
ElBombero's Avatar
That town's movers and shakers will pull his reigns soon. There's too much money to be made to have Dudley Do-Right fucking up the market. Then again, he may be enforcing some prescribed market corrections as directed.
That town's movers and shakers will pull his reigns soon. There's too much money to be made to have Dudley Do-Right fucking up the market. Then again, he may be enforcing some prescribed market corrections as directed. Originally Posted by ElBombero
Highly doubt it...
Dallas is more metropolitan and isn't the same as CenTex (Waco, Killeen/Temple and B/CS), obviously smaller communities that happen to be more radical Southern Baptist "to the extreme" influenced...along with more BS/Good 'ole' Boy hypocrisy.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Highly doubt it...
Dallas is more metropolitan and isn't the same as CenTex (Waco, Killeen/Temple and B/CS), obviously smaller communities that happen to be more radical Southern Baptist "to the extreme" influenced...along with more BS/Good 'ole' Boy hypocrisy. Originally Posted by Ape-Racer
True for Waco, perhaps. But not really Killeen. Grew up in that area.. Killeen has always been the extremely liberal step-child of Bell County.
ElBombero's Avatar
True for Waco, perhaps. But not really Killeen. Grew up in that area.. Killeen has always been the extremely liberal step-child of Bell County. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Yep. Lived there myself. It's full of 21 year old hard dicks with money to blow. And, though they talk a good game in public, the people that run the town are more than happy to take a piece of the action, even if indirectly.