8 Dead in Plano Shootings

Chung Tran's Avatar
listerinestrips99's Avatar
Wow! Thanks for the info!
Chung Tran's Avatar
early reports say 8 dead, including the gunman, shot by police, 2 surviving gunshot victims, at a Plano house during a "Cowboys watching party"..
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Close to my casa.
CG2014's Avatar
From what I read and heard, two of the 8 adults were former couple, either former BF/GF or former husband and wife and they got into an argument with each other which resulted in an all out argument with everyone there.
Saw a news report were a guy claims to have seen the shooter in a bar complaining that his wife was cheating on him. Sounds like a case of deadly jealousy. But why did he have to shoot everyone?
CG2014's Avatar
The investigation is still ongoing but I think the ex husband did it.

Here it says he showed up uninvited, pulled out several handguns, and shot everyone.

2short@desky's Avatar
AH never figured out why she was divorcing him....must have been a character flaw there somewhere
In this tragic aftermath, one more has died from injuries. Nine dead now including shooter.

Praise and commendation for the brave officer that went inside the house and took the shooter out.
From what the police were saying during the news conference, technically the offficer was supposed to wait for backup, but went in alone. His choice to act rather than to wait probably save additional lives.

Can you imagine from the officer's perspective, hearing multiple gunshots coming from the house, hearing the screams, and then drawing your weapon and going INTO the house?!
Very brave indeed.
Chung Tran's Avatar
agree... great bravery from that Officer.

I find the whole episode troubling.. I don't think "'till death do us part" is supposed to be like this.

it's a thin line between love and hate for some people.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-12-2017, 10:44 AM
I been telling you guys for some time now when the screening threads pop up, theres a bunch of crazy people out there, I know a few so speak from experience

This had to be the ex husband that decided to take everyone out, does anyone know the nationality of the gunman?
Chung Tran's Avatar
does anyone know the nationality of the gunman? Originally Posted by BLM69
looks white and mean.

does anyone know the nationality of the gunman? Originally Posted by BLM69
A good ole American white boy did it
Lack of responses in this thread should have been your first clue

I'm just wondering if any of those victims were packing
themystic's Avatar
A good ole American white boy did it
Lack of responses in this thread should have been your first clue

I'm just wondering if any of those victims were packing Originally Posted by NubianPrince
What are you suggesting Nubian?
What are you suggesting Nubian? Originally Posted by themystic
Nothing really.. but we do talk a lot about guns in Texas.
License to carry, open carry etc..but then u hear a sad story like this one where a single perp was able to shoot 9 people without anyone firing back.

And oh if the perp was a person of color, we all know this thread would have have been 10 pages long right about now