September 11, 2001 10yr anniversay

On this somber weekend of rememberance of all those who perished that day and all those who perished after that day defending our freedom, perhaps taking a a step back and being grateful for the lives we have and not sweating the small things so much and embracing life would make all the lives lost not be in vain.....

CryptKicker's Avatar
Amen Ashley! Thank you so much for posting this. Not a single person's life in the US and in many places around the world has not been affected in some way by this...
Thanks for the reminder. Really puts things in perspective have a safe remembrance day thanks to all who keep us safe!!
I just wonder how many more years it will be before everyone knows the TRUTH about what really happened on 9/11. That would be the day that the innocent people killed on 9/11 will truely be honored.
Thanks for sharing Ashley.