The Democrat in the Whitehouse

  • Tiny
  • 12-23-2020, 05:32 PM
If President Trump wanted taxpayers to pony up to help people put out of work or kicked out of their homes because of Covid, that would make sense. But his threat today that he'll veto the stimulus bill unless the government pays $2,000 to everyone regardless of employment status or need reeks of DPST* socialism. It was painful watching Rand Paul and Marsha Blackburn on Fox this morning trying to defend Trump. They rightly pointed out that Congress shouldn't be passing bills with lots of pork for things like museums when many Americans are on their knees. But they insisted on dancing around the real reason that Trump's threatening a veto. It's because he's a Democrat. He's working with the same playbook as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. The $2000 was originally their idea.

Then there's the defense bill, that Trump actually vetoed today, because it didn't include a provision to repeal a law that shields internet companies from liability for what's posted on their websites by third parties. That's a big make-work handout to the trial lawyers. And who's the great friend of the plaintiffs lawyers? The Democratic Party of course. And Donald Trump's a good friend too. Before he became president he loved to sue people.

Finally there are other considerations from the past. The massive campaign contributions to Democratic Party politicians. Trump's support of a wealth tax and partial birth abortion. His membership in the Democratic Party. And more recently, proposing to increase the top marginal federal tax rate on Americans to 47.8% as a part of his 2017 tax bill.

I don't understand why most of the esteemed left-of-center posters here hate Trump. Donald Trump is a great friend to the Democratic Party, and his latest antics appear to be a ploy to lose the Georgia Senate elections and turn all the levers of the federal government over to Biden, Schumer and Pelosi.

*DPST = Dip Shit / Politician / Shithead / Transvestite
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's a piece of shit.

Fuck that guy!
winn dixie's Avatar
He's a piece of shit.

Fuck that guy! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
bah humbug!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-23-2020, 06:02 PM think Trump is fucking with GOP members who will not support his election overturn.

More like if you do not help me....I will fuck with you winning in Georgia.

This is a typical Trump blackmail.

No different than when he started with the "Go easy on Flynn..."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-23-2020, 06:02 PM
Fuck this double post shit!
  • Tiny
  • 12-23-2020, 07:18 PM
Roger Stone
Jack the Ripper
Charles Kushner
Paul Manafort
Jeffrey Dahmer

The dipshit in chief is going out in a blaze of glory.

Who pays for his justice?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So why did Trump pardon Kushner's father and Manafort today instead of January 7, after the Georgia Senate elections? There's only one explanation. He's a Democrat.
  • Tiny
  • 12-23-2020, 07:18 PM
Roger Stone
Jack the Ripper
Charles Kushner
Paul Manafort
Jeffrey Dahmer

The dipshit in chief is going out in a blaze of glory.

Who pays for his justice?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So why did Trump pardon Kushner's father and Manafort today instead of January 7, after the Georgia Senate elections? There's only one explanation. He's a Democrat.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
H I M had been saying there would be big checks coming as part of the stimulus bill for months now. H I M had been saying H I M wanted to give even more than the democrats did. I'm still pretty sure there just isn't going to be a stimulus bill, but it at least appears as though H I M is trying to fulfill H I M's promises.

The bill itself is a fucking disgrace, though. Our government is complete shit.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
H I M had been saying there would be big checks coming as part of the stimulus bill for months now. H I M had been saying H I M wanted to give even more than the democrats did. I'm still pretty sure there just isn't going to be a stimulus bill, but it at least appears as though H I M is trying to fulfill H I M's promises.

The bill itself is a fucking disgrace, though. Our government is complete shit.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
double H I M

I don't think H I M is a democrat, though. H I M is H I M.
  • Tiny
  • 12-23-2020, 08:03 PM think Trump is fucking with GOP members who will not support his election overturn.

More like if you do not help me....I will fuck with you winning in Georgia.

This is a typical Trump blackmail.

No different than when he started with the "Go easy on Flynn..." Originally Posted by WTF
Indeed. Look at poor David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. Trump tells them to raise hell with Georgia's Republican secretary of state and governor, or he'll tweet bad things about them. So they ask for Secretary Raffensperger's resignation. How does that look to prospective Republican voters who don't suffer from TES (Trump Enlightenment Syndrome)? Well, some of us are going to think they're spineless hypocrites willing to say anything to promote their political careers, like Ted Cruz. And some of us are going to think they're bat shit crazy, like Sidney Powell and Lin Wood. Yes, Trump is getting Republicans to play right into the hands of the Democrats. Because he is a Democrat.
or he is simply a self serving asshole that is not loyal to anyone but himself. If you believe that anything he is doing is part of some larger political strategy, you are giving him waaayyyy too much credit. This has nothing to be with Ds or Rs, but has everything to do with having a tantrum because Thune and McConnel won't go along with his last set of lies. He only claims the desire for 2K because he knows that would kill the deal that was made. He may even want the gov to shut down and he could just let everyone suffer until Jan 20. Or even crazier maybe he plans to shut the gov down and in his mind try to prevent a Jan 6 congressional acknowledgment of his loss.

No matter what it is that he is thinking. There is nothing at all to the allegation that he is demanding this because his inner Democrat is coming out. Your belief that could be true is an inability to face reality.
or he is simply a self serving asshole that is not loyal to anyone but himself. If you believe that anything he is doing is part of some larger political strategy, you are giving him waaayyyy too much credit. This has nothing to be with Ds or Rs, but has everything to do with having a tantrum because Thune and McConnel won't go along with his last set of lies. He only claims the desire for 2K because he knows that would kill the deal that was made. He may even want the gov to shut down and he could just let everyone suffer until Jan 20. Or even crazier maybe he plans to shut the gov down and in his mind try to prevent a Jan 6 congressional acknowledgment of his loss.

No matter what it is that he is thinking. There is nothing at all to the allegation that he is demanding this because his inner Democrat is coming out. Your belief that could be true is an inability to face reality.
double H I M

I don't think H I M is a democrat, though. H I M is H I M. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I must apologize for my recent posts referring to the orange cheeto as HER.

Those posts were a complete and total insult to women everywhere and I hope you will all accept my most sincere apology for this grievous transgression.

I promise that from now on instead of referring to the orange twitter head as her I will instead refer to cheeto as IT.

IT is not a democrat strokey. And based on all the recent foolish crap he has pulled, he is not a republican either.

IT is the worst president of all time. That is what IT is. Nothing more, nothing less.
another freaking duplicate post