true cult tactics

VitaMan's Avatar
The National Republican Congressional Committee sent a fundraising message this month threatening supporters who had not yet donated, calling them a "traitor," The Washington Post reported.

"You abandoned Trump," a text version of the message said. "We were told you were a tried & true, lifelong patriot."

"But when Trump said he'd run for President if we took back the House from Nancy Pelosi...You did nothing. Was Trump wrong about you?" the statement asked.

The message continued, offering recipients a "final chance" to prove their loyalty, else they'd be "branded a deserter." The statement said donors had "only 17 minutes" to respond.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
A bunch of scheming scoundrels.

Just brings to mind the old saying.

The Meaning and Origin of ‘Patriotism is the Last Refuge of the Scoundrel’

The Patriot Party began life in 1725 as an offshoot of the Whig Party in Great Britain. They later became simply the Patriots, until they were disbanded in 1803. The group was formed in opposition to the ministry of Robert Walpole, the first de facto Prime Minister of Britain, and William Pitt the Elder – who would later become Prime Minister himself – became a prominent member of the Patriot Party.


eccieuser9500's Avatar
And there’s his comment on writing: ‘the only end of writing is to enable the readers better to enjoy life, or better to endure it’.

Patriotism having become one of our topicks, Johnson suddenly uttered, in a strong determined tone, an apophthegm, at which many will start: ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.’ But let it be considered, that he did not mean a real and generous love of our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak for self-interest.

Samuel Johnson

The difference.
... Nice wig. Worn by a phony who was not gonna
play in the football match. His helmet wouldn't
fit on his head. If you have a chance, check
about sometime and see if you can find his
graduation photo from university. I saw it, and
the fellow surely has lighter skin than Bambino,
fer Crikey sake.

Wonderin' here IF he's used the creme that the
tanning people use to darken their skin.

Yes, mates. I am surely aware that he is a mixed-race
lad, and good for him. But I'm wondering just how
much care he gave to the plight of racism in America
and civil rights BEFORE he showed the football world
that he was a mediocre player.

### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
... Nice wig. Worn by a phony who was not gonna
play in the football match. His helmet wouldn't
fit on his head. If you have a chance, check
about sometime and see if you can find his
graduation photo from university. I saw it, and
the fellow surely has lighter skin than Bambino,
fer Crikey sake.

Wonderin' here IF he's used the creme that the
tanning people use to darken their skin.

Yes, mates. I am surely aware that he is a mixed-race
lad, and good for him. But I'm wondering just how
much care he gave to the plight of racism in America
and civil rights BEFORE he showed the football world
that he was a mediocre player.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

A mediocre player doesn't make it to the "final". I thought you were a better man than one to just hurl insults. I also once thought you were a real Aussie Aussie Aussie. Coy coy coy.

The writing is revealing.
Uh, what insults did I give there. I simply explained
WHY he's a phony. And what did you say? Mediocre people
don't make it to the Final?? It surely happens
at times. Ain't you a sporting fellow? How many
times do we see a new joey first or second year player
surely set the world on fire? And a year or two later
a mediocre talent.

American baseballers hittin' the ball all over
the field at first... American footballers STARS
of the league for a year or two before their talent
drys up.

... But before YOU start to cry -
maybe THIS will make you feel better.

### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Uh, what insults did I give there?

... Nice wig. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Worn by a phony Originally Posted by Salty Again
His helmet wouldn't fit on his head. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Wonderin' here IF he's used the creme that the tanning people use to darken their skin. Originally Posted by Salty Again

I simply explained WHY he's a phony.

This act of yours is not that big of a hack job. Cracks are starting to show in the persona though.

And what did you say? Mediocre people
don't make it to the Final?? It surely happens
at times. Ain't you a sporting fellow?

This is where I doubt your royal hackness. If you knew our football, you would know his position was as a leader. Decision maker. The field commander if you will.

I don't know if there is an opposite number in Australian rules. So maybe you don't know what you're talking about.

Nice cloak of ignorance.

How many
times do we see a new joey first or second year player
surely set the world on fire? And a year or two later
a mediocre talent.

American baseballers hittin' the ball all over
the field at first... American footballers STARS
of the league for a year or two before their talent
drys up.

... But before YOU start to cry -
maybe THIS will make you feel better.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

We don't know if he would have been a flash in the pan or a prolific passer and runner. His conviction to the cause got in the commissioner's way. The commissioner works for the owners.

So when the owners were monitored colluding against his advancement, Roger Goodell fell in line. Until it became too much and he acquiesced. Admitting how much it cost. Sorry, how much he eventually cared. About what matters.

The lives of the disproportionately dominant money makers in the league.

How 'bout these nerks?

Enough salty tears for ya?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So maybe it is time for a 3rd political party. Just think, total stalemate, no new taxes, no new socialist or fascist laws/handouts, no new increase in debt limit, maybe we would end up with a smaller govt that simply can't fuck with citizens.
  • oeb11
  • 10-16-2021, 08:21 AM
the 'Liberal party" Cult - again shows it discriminates on teh basis of skin color first, foremost, and Primarily.

That is Racism!

And that quaking Fear of President Donald j Trump Lives in their heads 24/7/365.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
VitaMan's Avatar
No sense at all here. Are you trying to say the Democratic party discriminates on basis of color ?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Welp, they do consider “people of color” to stupid to get an ID. The soft bigotry of low expectations.
  • oeb11
  • 10-16-2021, 08:58 AM
My - vm - are You totally Blind?????
Oh - H... Yes - the liberal cult party is teh largest ever purveyor of racial discrimination on this Planet!!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ Right BUT they /them Can't see , That's true cultism
VitaMan's Avatar
If you are trying to say the Democratic party is discriminatory, foremost on color, you are out of your mind.

Have you ever heard of the civil rights movement ?
winn dixie's Avatar
Only to secure votes! Fact