For you can get you ass going let's band decaffeinated coffee.

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Michael8219's Avatar
Yeah Methylene chloride. No wonder I’ve been dragging
txdot-guy's Avatar
WASHINGTON – Today, April 30, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized a ban on most uses of methylene chloride, a dangerous chemical known to cause liver cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, cancer of the blood, and cancer of the central nervous system, as well as neurotoxicity, liver harm and even death.

This is related to decaffeinated coffee insofar as the chemical is used in a process to decaffeinate coffee. It’s not the only way to do so and many brands don’t have the chemical in their coffee.

I suppose that this could be considered a political topic since the EPA is involved but I have my doubts that anyone would change their vote or party over this issue.