Do guys really not want blowjobs?

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Okay, so I'm drinking and perusing some reviews, both mine and those of others, and I had a moment of alcohol-induced clarity.

I was visiting a provider once. L1 is standard with her, but L2 and more have been reported, subject to YMMV. She looks up at me in the midst of providing some L1 relief and says, "Would you like a blowjay?"

I'm sitting in VIP in a club recently with one of the very few women I can get to do anything more than mouth and grind on a full-clothed Little Lance. After he's been out for a song or two, she says, "Can I put it in my mouth?"

Am I alone in thinking, "What the hell kind of dumbfuck question is that?" Do some of you guys either answer the question, "No," or, when she starts to go down, say, "Please stop"?

I do understand if she says something like, "That will be an extra 250," but that hasn't been my experience.

I'm just sitting here thinking, "WTF is she thinking?"
ManSlut's Avatar
SL, I have never understood why some women don’t like sex (and some are Providers even) and some don’t even like to have their Pussy eaten by someone who will do it however she likes it done!...Now that’s fucked up!!!
Jacket_cowboy61's Avatar
I love a blowjob anytime and anywhere !! If a provider doesn't offer it then I won't see her
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 02-10-2019, 03:52 PM
she says, "Can I put it in my mouth?"
Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
How is this answer ever "no"??????
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
SL, I have never understood why some women don’t like sex Originally Posted by ManSlut
That's easy. Sex is not something women want unless they want kids or money.

But back to the question at hand: is, "Do you want a blowjob?" as much of a dumbfuck question as I think? Do you guys with game get this asked of you>
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-10-2019, 07:25 PM
I don't want a bad BJ, I rather stuff one of the other holes and be happy
In a strip club setting there are probably a lot of men who go for the site seeing but would be concerned about either STDs from doing more or would be worried about fines if caught. So yeah I can see why some men would say no.

Now in a massage setting I doubt the L2 is going to be free or for the same price as the L1. So yeah if she is going to go to that level of service and I have not brought sufficient funds I want to know before she starts how much more I am going to need on hand. I do not want her providing the L2 if I do not have the funds she wants. Now some guys may not care. Get the L2 and then what is she going to do, take it back? But some of us would prefer not to play such games.
How is this answer ever "no"?????? Originally Posted by L.A.
When she has that giant Herpes blister on her lip?
Chung Tran's Avatar
When she has that giant Herpes blister on her lip? Originally Posted by IMAPACKIN
that won't stop me.. I may request more tongue and less lip, but I'm all in!

I love a blowjob anytime and anywhere !! If a provider doesn't offer it then I won't see her Originally Posted by Jacket_cowboy61
of course not!

the likelihood of my accepting a Provider who won't give a BBBJ, is about the same as having a solid bowel movement after a large meal from Taco Bell.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I usually ask if I can make myself at home between a gents legs or if I can love on him for a little while. It's just good manners.

If ladies are usually L1, they may only offer L2 to gents (penises) they find attractive. But I would think if it's in a sc, it's very important for her to get permission. Ya never know what someone will do. Maybe she thinks she's skirting LE by asking
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
God, I wish women would be rude to me!

I just think it's a silly question coming from an L1 artist who's known to go one step, sometimes two, higher, and even sillier coming from a dancer at what's been called Texas's largest brothel. Usually, I would think, it's the other way: No permission required because there's a certain set of expectations or hopes going in.

That's easy. Sex is not something women want unless they want kids or money. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
I hope this was sarcasm
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I hope this was sarcasm Originally Posted by dfw889
Not at all. I know I'm only a sample of one, but that's certainly been my experience.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
My opinion Sir L is it's part of the turn on. The answer is going to get a positive response the vast majority of the time and the ladies know it even if it's part of being courteous.

It's that little twinkle in their eye or the slight smile when they ask you - they know they just raised your blood pressure !

God ! I love having my blood pressure raised that way !
CG2014's Avatar
If she doesn't have face like a pig with fucked up teeth and she doesn't have the body of a hefer, yes I do want a blow job from her.