Valentines day sucks!

KaitlynDior's Avatar
I literally just got canceled on after driving 25+ mins for the THIRD time today. Why is everyone wasting my time today? Its beyound frustrating! I guess i will be spending my Valentines day alone Am I allowed to post phone numbers and handles of the 3 guys that ncns'd me today?
I really hope my night turns around
No, definitely NO phone numbers, that's outing and serious enough to be banned. Not sure about the handles, but even if allowed such actions it might not turn out as well as you might hope. Just my thought... sorry for your day.

But Happy Valentine's Day, Kaitlyn!!
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
No number but girl blast they ass post them handles!! Sorry that happened to you hun :!
DallasRain's Avatar
So sorry that happened..
I'm sorry to hear that. That's a horrible thing to happen to anybody.

I know that I would be very upset if I had finalized a meeting with a lady, went over to her incall, and then I was NCNSed. All that time and energy that I used to make sure I'm squeaky clean & smelling good, find out how to get to her incall, actually get over to her incall etc.....all that just wasted.

I think you are allowed to post handles but I'm not sure about phone numbers. I would just post the handles unless someone else tells you otherwise.

NCNCsing on someone is completely unacceptable regardless of whether you're a provider or hobbyist. Even if something urgent comes up and I know that does happen, you can at least send a short text or make a quick 30 second phone call.

I hope you have a productive night. Sending positive vibes your way.
CG2014's Avatar
What comes around goes around.

Many of the girls been NCNS us forever and yet their accounts still exists on ECCIE and they are still allowed to post ads because ECCIE does not POLICE what happens out there between the girls and the guys:

I can post a long list of names of those girls but I won't because I am a nice guy but most of those girls know who they are.

Furthermore, the # of "NCNS" and "GRAB and DASH" and "give me $50-100 to get a hotel room while you wait here and as soon as I have a room #, I will text you" and "crappy sessions or shorting the session" by the girls, have been going up recently and happening more often, almost weekly to daily, ever since Backpage shut down and Craiglist remove their adult personals, so the scum of the gutter from those 2 websites are now advertising here on ECCIE and they are doing the same thing here they did on Backpage and Craiglist:

ripping guys off!!

No as far as KD having 3 sessions cancelled today, well, you know how to prevent that, don't you?

Tell your manager to stop responding to every ISO!!
pmdelites's Avatar
kaitlyn, sorry those jerks screwed you around and not in a deliteful way.

let your sisters know who the guys are & their ph#s (like 469-xxx-1234 or whatever masking is appropriate) in the providers only forum.

you can post their handles/usernames here.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I literally just got canceled on after driving 25+ mins for the THIRD time today. Why is everyone wasting my time today? Its beyound frustrating! I guess i will be spending my Valentines day alone Am I allowed to post phone numbers and handles of the 3 guys that ncns'd me today?
I really hope my night turns around Originally Posted by KaitlynDior
Before you do something to get yourself banned, refer to the following 2 threads. You've been here since 2013 so you should be familiar with them.

AND for the guys, you don't have access so clicking wont work for you.
CG2014's Avatar

AND for the guys, you don't have access so clicking wont work for you. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle

I did clicked them!

Is my computer going to explode now?

Dickey9090's Avatar
I literally just got canceled on after driving 25+ mins for the THIRD time today. Why is everyone wasting my time today? Its beyound frustrating! I guess i will be spending my Valentines day alone Am I allowed to post phone numbers and handles of the 3 guys that ncns'd me today?
I really hope my night turns around Originally Posted by KaitlynDior
Yes you sure can. Just don’t post their real names.
Phone numbers w handle. Is within the guidelines.
Happy V Day.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Your pimp not taking you to dinner tonight? That's no good
Chung Tran's Avatar
I went through the Mcdonald's drive-thru less than 2 hours ago, ordered only a large fries.. drive-thru cashier said "the person in front of you paid and said to tell you Happy Valentine's Day".. that car stopped after 50 feet, parked in the parking lot, I drove around it, looked over to wave "thanks" to the friendly driver, but she was looking straight at her phone.. black chick, mid-20's, perhaps. looked good from my side angle.. I mused to myself that she would be some good tail, and continued to the street.
Yes you sure can. Just don’t post their real names.
Phone numbers w handle. Is within the guidelines.
Happy V Day. Originally Posted by Dickey9090
CG2014's Avatar
Your pimp not taking you to dinner tonight? That's no good Originally Posted by mrredcat43
And making her go to 3 sessions on Valentine's Day.

She does all the work, he pockets every dollar.

That's a typical thug and coward for you.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 02-14-2019, 08:05 PM
I literally just got canceled on after driving 25+ mins for the THIRD time today. Why is everyone wasting my time today? Its beyound frustrating! I guess i will be spending my Valentines day alone Am I allowed to post phone numbers and handles of the 3 guys that ncns'd me today?
I really hope my night turns around Originally Posted by KaitlynDior
I don't know about all of the other irrelevant stuff in this thread but sorry you got cancelled on 3 times in one day especially after you drove that much to get there.
I really don't understand why somebody would get screened, make an appointment and cancel that close to your arrival time. Cold feet? Another offer? I can only imagine how much that hurts your business since you've not only wasted time driving there but you've also lost that appointment time.
I don't know if posting their handle would really help but it would be entertaining for us.