Washington State Looking to Vote on Bill that Would Block the Infamous NDAA Provision

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Hurray for Washington! From the article:

Overstreet’s Washington Preservation of Liberty Act would declare, “1 No member of the armed forces of the United States of America 2 nor any person acting directly with, or on behalf of, the armed forces 3 of the United States of America, shall be permitted to conduct within 4 the boundaries of the state of Washington, an investigation or 5 detainment of a United States citizen or lawful resident alien located, 6 within the state of Washington except for (a) an investigation or 7 detainment by the United States coast guard when it is not operating as 8 a service in the navy, (b) an investigation or detainment by national 9 guard units or state defense forces while under the authority of the 10 governor of the state of Washington, or (c) an internal investigation 11 or detainment by the armed forces of the United States of America of 12 active duty members of the armed forces of the United States of 13 America.”

If passed, this bill would also give penalty to any member listed above who were to violate the Washington Preservation of Liberty Act – resulting in felony charges.


This would make enforcing the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA a FELONY in Washington! Good for them! We need more states to follow suit!