FBI agent HID intel from whistleblower on Hunter and the ‘Big Guy’ Senile Biden

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Timothy Thibault, the FBI agent alleged to have interfered with an investigation into Hunter Biden, was assigned by the Washington Field Office as “point man” to manage whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, the first son’s former business partner, before the 2020 election — but he suppressed his damning revelations, sources say.

Bobulinski spent over five hours secretly being interviewed by the FBI on Oct. 23, 2020, about his inside knowledge of then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business deals with China.

The previous day, he had revealed in a press conference that Joe Biden was the “Big Guy” due to get a 10% cut of a lucrative joint venture with Chinese energy firm CEFC,
according to an email found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop.

Bobulinski gave the FBI the contents of three cellphones containing encrypted messages between Hunter and his business partners, along with emails and financial documents detailing the Biden family’s corrupt influence-peddling operation in foreign countries during Joe’s vice presidency.

But his evidence appears to have fallen into the same black hole at the FBI as Hunter’s laptop, never to be seen again.

Bobulinski’s FBI interview came the week after The Post published material from the laptop, including the “Big Guy” message and an email from a Ukrainian energy company executive thanking Hunter for organizing a 2015 meeting in Washington with then-VP Biden.

On the day Bobulinski went to the FBI’s Washington Field Office, 11 days before the 2020 presidential election, he was told not to walk in the front door, but to drive into an underground parking garage at the back of the nondescript, eight-story building in northwest DC, one mile from FBI headquarters.

He was met by James Dawson, then-special agent in charge of the Criminal and Cyber Division, and FBI Supervisory Special Agent Giulio Arseni.

They turned him over to two younger agents, William Novak and Garrett Churchill, who conducted the videotaped interview and provided a receipt for Bobulinski’s digital data.

He told them about the work Hunter, his uncle Jim Biden, and partners James Gilliar and Rob Walker did during Joe’s vice presidency, in 2015 and 2016, using the Biden name to help CEFC expand into Oman, Romania, Georgia, Kazakhstan and beyond. He told them about Hunter’s lucrative personal relationship with CEFC chairman Ye Jianming at the time the company was brokering China’s $9 billion acquisition of the Russian state oil giant Rosneft. Ye was arrested in China in 2018 after the deal fell apart.

CEFC was the capitalist arm of China’s Belt and Road initiative to extend the Communist regime’s influence around the globe.

Bobulinski also told the FBI about Hunter’s associations with oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, owner of corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma, with Romanian billionaire Gabriel Popoviciu, and with retired FBI Director Louis Freeh, who was brought in by Hunter as a consultant to help Popoviciu escape corruption charges in Romania.

Novak and Churchill paused the interview to consult with Dawson a number of times, according to one insider.

Arseni came into the room occasionally and an FBI forensic team visited.

Bobulinski and his lawyer were given Thibault’s cellphone number and told that he would be their “point man” at the FBI thereafter.

That night, Bobulinski’s lawyer phoned Thibault, who said he would soon advise on next steps and whether Bobulinski should do a follow-up interview.

But neither Bobulinski nor his lawyer was contacted again. Nor was Bobulinski brought before a Delaware grand jury investigating Hunter.

Dawson moved to the field office in Little Rock, Ark., last July.

Thibault retired from the FBI last week, amid an investigation by the Office of Special Counsel into his anti-Trump social media posts, and after Republican senators made public allegations that he buried Hunter Biden material that would have damaged Joe’s candidacy.

... All coming out now.... Though WE surely knew of this already.
Bobulinski was a guest on a few news shows.
Just trying to keep 'imself alive.

Right-good thing for him that he had nothing on the Clintons.
Or he might be dead already. .. . By odd coincidence. ...

#### Salty