The clock

RyanFromTER's Avatar
I understand that we are paying for time, and time is money. With that said, what are some of the best and worst ways to manage time? I'm only bringing this up because today during an appointment the lady I saw set the alarm clock on her phone right in front of me. She also set it 10min short. Yes. 10mins short right in front of my face.

I've seen ladies wear and keep their watch on during the appointment. I've seen the Spotify playlist set to the length of the appointment. Clocks in Every room. Yes. I just think setting the alarm clock was a step too far.

With that said what's the consensus on time management.
ajlybj's Avatar
The 10 minutes is probably enough time to shower and get your pants on with some overrun I would say.

I would not have an issue with a provider doing this. I usually remove my watch so my pulse rate monitor doesn't interrupt me. At least it showes she's managing her time. Agree there are more subtle ways. Mentally you should probably be already in game mode and know you have a time limit?
I understand the time issue, but that is just rude. When I leave I usually do a quick wash ove the sink and I am out the door. In my opinion clocks are an indication of someone who probably is high volume. If she is thst strict with time and has guys stacked up behind you I probably would see someone else.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I would've walked out on the bitch.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I never watch the clock. Don't even have a clock in the room. I can basically tell what an hour or so feels like and 99% of the time it's never even an issue. Almost all the gents I meet are on their best behavior.

Girls that do stuff like that are normally hustlers and they have a hustle mindset which means they feel like clients (and really everyone they encounter) are going to hustle them. It's a "I'm going to get you before you get me" thing.
JJ8901's Avatar
gotta be careful with clock watchers. they might have back to back appointments, so they don't even bother to wash or clean before the next guy.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
The West coast itenerary seems a bit light.
It's a business at the end of the the deed,be mindful of your time and bounce
I mean half of the reviewers can't stop bragging about all the free extra time they got
"I paid for hr/hhr but went waay over"
They probably mean well but this only encourages more clients to go over the time they paid for

Foks talk about being great clients and foooking grammar experts, then go over on time and write went way over. Like c'mon.
Did the op ever name her?

..... Like c'mon. Originally Posted by shinepro
^^^^that made me LoL
Setting the foooking alarm ten minutes short is just so wrong. You juicing a dude for 2 and a half bills an hour so at least give him his time. Dats a hell of a living. But guys, never go over it's a business. Simple. It's our responsibility to watch time.
Wow, just wow.

Super bad form on her part and just downright tacky.

Everyone knows that an hour is an hour in this biz, but there are way more discreet and polite ways to handle it.

I have always kept a clock in my sesh room in a discreet place. That way I can glance at it quickly if needs be. If clients see it or notice me peeking at it during sesh to keep track of time, they have never remarked on such, so I figure the way I keep track of time is generally acceptable.

Also, as Brooke said, I pretty much have my sesh routine down pat and I can basically tell how long it has been.

Whatever way a lady chooses to keep track of her sesh time, setting an alarm right in front of the client is just bad business practice.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I agree with what the lovely lassies above have said.

Never been a clock watcher and am pretty generous with my amorous appointment allotments, plus I always build extra time into my schedule in case something happens that causes a late arrival/departure. On the sporadic occasions when I do have to be mindful, I let the fellow know up front that I have a commitment or somewhere else I need to be later, but I've never booted anyone out for overstaying unless it was apparently excessive. Most gentlemen have been quite polite about their randy rendezvous.

I will say that a half hour or even an hour is a rarity in actuality, simply because sessions of that length pass incredibly fast. Easy to go over if a provider isn't keeping track. It's one of the reasons I've stayed low-volume and kept my package rates for 2 hours comparable to what many lusty ladies ask for 60 minutes. This allows a gentleman and I to take our luxurious, leisurely, lascivious time teasing and tantalizing. I hate rushing my fanciful fun.