The End

Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
I'm sorry to say I am no longer on the MS Gulf Coast; it's been fun and real; definitely been a great experience and adventure. Unfortunately, there are some real live pricks and stalkers that do exist no matter how hospitable and excellent service you provide. My safety and freedom are worth more to me than all the money in the world.

I am sorry that I was not able to fulfill some prior commitments and continue the awesome hospitable service that no other provided. You all take care, play safe, and watch your back as you really do not know who your friends or competition is because
Baldwinboy's Avatar
Sorry to hear this bad news. Wishing you the best.
DallasRain's Avatar
I wish ya the best life has to offer my friend!!
candylicker99's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you the best life has to offer. You will be missed.
turbo-dog's Avatar
Good luck and stay safe Holly!
coast_encounter's Avatar
Wishing you the best of luck on your new endeavors, Holly !! Cheers
bc7274's Avatar
Sorry to hear about all the bs. If you need a hand with anything let me know.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Sorry to hear about this, good luck sweety.
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
Thank you all for your kind words. If anyone needs a referral or anything, message me here. Thanks!