Role Play - Anyone in Dallas Resemble This?

Say What's Avatar

Man, some of the darndest things can get my wheels spinning. A fucking cat food commercial!?!?
CoHorn's Avatar
here kitty, kitty
Sophia Dane3.0's Avatar
LOL Love that commercial!
OverBought's Avatar
Sex sells just about anything!
I dance like that around my house all the time. :-)
I just saw a commercial for trivago website tonight and I thought...hmmm, the guy was not bad looking. :-) Maybe it was his grey hair that got me. I am so attracted to salt and pepper!!!
The girl in "Whitehouse-Blackmarket" Ad is pretty smoking too!
That's why the hot girls are in commercials to get us to look and it works, at least on me LOL
lol, so thats what she replaced Tony Parker with....a cat.... #facepalm
pyramider's Avatar
She did it for her kitty.