yellow box factory

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Eastman Kodak

With all the legal paperwork they send out telling me I will get nothing for my 9 years there. They could afford to give me the little they owed me.

I used owed over owe, as I know I not getting shit. errrr other than more paperwork telling me that.

I would rather the old age honey can I come over funds. Over the life time paper ta burn in the fireplace ta keep my old bones warm.

fucking lawyers

I wounder how the gay Buffalo lawyers that had one of my kids is doing

Gotyour6's Avatar
I find Kodak employees funny as hell.
Ex ones are even more amusing

They got to big for themselves and now they are paying for it.

What I remember them saying and this is not verbatim "We don't need to go digital, digital will never replace film"
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The group I was in was still growing. I remember telling others, ya know as a support group and all profit areas in Kodak we support laying off. Soon we will stop growing, and we get to join the fun of being part of the lay offs.

I was told I was full of shit, and some told management on me. The manager that told me you will get fired for sayin that got nailed first round. mmmm I did not get nailed till the 3rd and had 2 managers at the time LOL They doubled down on top heavy LOL

One meeting I had a hard time not LOL in the meeting. blah blah blah we are sold the division that invented digital photography. Then latter, we are going into consumer digital photography. As I started to giggle my two managers elbowed me.