Why embellish the story?

I know a couple of ladies on here in the real world, which i am sure many of you do also. I read a review on one of them the other day and i am thinking to myself this guy is full of shit with the activities that were supposed to take place. Why the need to embellish the story? Just give an honest review of what took place. When someone reads these reviews and goes in thinking they will get the same service and don't they just wasted money. When they speak up it becomes oh ymmv,when really the reviewer just lied. So i ask why the need to embellish the story?
Richard Fitzwell's Avatar
You make a good point. I don’t see the point in making something more than what it is.
So I wanna just play the devils advocate here for just a second, and ask you how do you know that those activities didn’t take place? Or did the lady tell you that they didn’t take place.? On the other hand I do agree and think that only truth should be put in reviews. Whether it be good or bad.
winn dixie's Avatar
For some, telling stories is the only way they get a feeling of accomplishment and attention. Sad really!
In every review guys are bringing women to like 2 or 3 rocking orgasms. Why would anyone doubt the accuracy in that? 90 percent of the reviews on here or about are not accurate. That’s just part of the world we play in. Guys don’t want to tell the truth because they are scared of being vagina blackballed. This is vagina dice, you have to spend a lot rolling the dice, if you finally hit a lucky 7 or 11 don’t review that provider. Keep her to yourself. Just my two cents.
In every review guys are bringing women to like 2 or 3 rocking orgasms. Why would anyone doubt the accuracy in that? 90 percent of the reviews on here or about are not accurate. That’s just part of the world we play in. Guys don’t want to tell the truth because they are scared of being vagina blackballed. This is vagina dice, you have to spend a lot rolling the dice, if you finally hit a lucky 7 or 11 don’t review that provider. Keep her to yourself. Just my two cents.
USAsoldier's Avatar
I know a couple of ladies on here in the real world, which i am sure many of you do also. I read a review on one of them the other day and i am thinking to myself this guy is full of shit with the activities that were supposed to take place. Why the need to embellish the story? Just give an honest review of what took place. When someone reads these reviews and goes in thinking they will get the same service and don't they just wasted money. When they speak up it becomes oh ymmv,when really the reviewer just lied. So i ask why the need to embellish the story? Originally Posted by kaoticlife
So you are sharing private reviews, ROS, with your provider-friends?
Just to be clear, i have not spoken with them about any reviews that are on here. I just know there are things they won't do and wonder why lie about your encounter.
Example, through conversations i find out they don't like CIM because it makes them gag and they just don't like it. Then in a review i see CIM, i know it is a lie.
USAsoldier's Avatar
Just to be clear, i have not spoken with them about any reviews that are on here. I just know there are things they won't do and wonder why lie about your encounter. Originally Posted by kaoticlife
Bro, you honestly have NO idea what your provider-friends are doing during a session with a gent. I'm feeling angry jealous vibes from you.
Oralist's Avatar
If it's in my Review, it happened the way I said it did. I try to make it an interesting read, not just "I fucked her Doggie, switched to Missionary, Blah, Blah, Blah". My reviews are written mainly to thank the Companion for the great time we had together and help her business a little. If a session is Meh or poor, I don't write a review. I have PA through 2025, so I really don't even need to write them.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Example, through conversations i find out they don't like CIM because it makes them gag and they just don't like it. Then in a review i see CIM, i know it is a lie. Originally Posted by kaoticlife
Just because a provider isnt allowing you to do a certain activity dont think she isnt allowing someone else to do it. You sound naive and like you wanted to come here and whine about it. Stop sharing private info with the girls. It will get you absolutley nothing.
USAsoldier the point of the thread is that some guys lie about something they received from a provider. Another guy goes in thinking it is on the menu and finds out it isn't, maybe that was something they were looking for and now wasted money. There are no vibes coming from me. Thanks for being an adult with snitch comment.
It's called chestbeating
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
USAsoldier the point of the thread is that some guys lie about something they received from a provider. Another guy goes in thinking it is on the menu and finds out it isn't, maybe that was something they were looking for and now wasted money. There are no vibes coming from me. Thanks for being an adult with snitch comment. Originally Posted by kaoticlife
1) Some reviewers do embellish and lie
2) Some providers are in fact ymmv
3) Only idiots would read a review and take it as gospel,expecting the same activities the reviewer got
Just because you see Dfk,cim,fiv,fia listed..it doesn't mean you are guaranteed those activities at the same rate u paid

Confirm the menu with the provider before going in,that way if she reneges,you will have a legit reason to bitch and moan

Stop interrogating providers about what they did with other clients
Worry about your own session