SL, The Answer to Your Question Was Already Implied in My Statement and Everyone Who Posted in Your Thread Understood This But You. My Question To You and Others is Why Wouldn't you Want Your Daughter to be a Sex Worker?

Miss Valentina's Avatar
And also how you would feel about your sons participating in the hobby and why there might be a double standard there. Curious to hear what folks might have to say. The quote that got him all stirred up is below.

"In the minds of the rich, white, influential men in the dusk of their lives are still stuck on pre-k-level binarism who have created this inherently racist, patrimonial capitalism, ALL women are reduced to what y'all perceive is the value of our pussies. Doesn't matter if we're to be wives, daughters, prudes or hookers . Some hookers are here because frankly there is little else they can do and some of us bitches understand and reject all of these tedious outdated social workings and cut through the bullshit and commoditized the pussy.

It's a woman's fault if she's used for sex, her fault if she withholds it, and a woman's fault if she refuses to be used. An Ambitchous little tart like me understood this early and decided if that was the case might as well make that $$$. But most everyone here knows by now I'm the kind of little slopabotomous who likes to make a lot of $$$ in my real world business as well. It's a goal I set for myself because I like earning a dynamic and self-supporting portfolio.

If a man has such a poor view of female sexuality that he discounts the humanity of sex workers in this late-capitalist hellscape, (which the chauvinists created and then also created the hypocritical double standard they expect mindless sheep brains to conform to) consider two things: Successful survivors of this bullshit leverage all assets creatively and ruthlessly. And,
You fucking cowboys never needed the approval and blessings from people to make money and neither do I.

Dick and $$$ is super abundant. Male approval is not hard currency. Dudes get laid and I get paid. It's a one of the most exciting fungible exchanges.

I know Whispers gets this. He's a very successful businessman. He just likes getting twats twisted."- He's probably sitting back and laughing.
sixxbach's Avatar
I guess you could call my answer a double standard.

I wouldn't want a son or daughter or mine to participate in the hobby. I think as parents we would want better for our kids. I don't think wanting better for an offspring is only reserved for the hobby. I and a few parents I know want them to go to better schools then we did, see more of the world at a younger age, basically grow up better than we did.

Do you want a daughter of yours to be a whore or a son of yours a john?

Probably get a better answer if you ask a homeless lady living under a freeway bridge why she doesn't? We are all slightly skewed here, and definitely a small minority.
I guess you could call my answer a double standard.

I wouldn't want a son or daughter or mine to participate in the hobby. I think as parents we would want better for our kids. I don't think wanting better for an offspring is only reserved for the hobby. I and a few parents I know want them to go to better schools then we did, see more of the world at a younger age, basically grow up better than we did.

Do you want a daughter of yours to be a whore or a son of yours a john?

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
"Do you want a daughter of yours to be a whore or a son of yours a john?"

It's all about perceptions and expectations.

How 'bout:
Do you want a daughter of yours to be a provider or a son of yours a hobbyist?"
Probably get a better answer if you ask a homeless lady living under a freeway bridge why she doesn't? We are all slightly skewed here, and definitely a small minority. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Today is Mother's Day!
Please tell us you're not going to tell her to "fuck off"

sixxbach's Avatar
"Do you want a daughter of yours to be a whore or a son of yours a john?"

It's all about perceptions and expectations.

How 'bout:
Do you want a daughter of yours to be a provider or a son of yours a hobbyist?" Originally Posted by Observing
I already answered the question. It was in the first sentence of my initial post. I also said my answer could be considered a double standard.

Today is Mother's Day!
Please tell us you're not going to tell her to "fuck off"

Originally Posted by Observing
Nope, V is cool.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Nope, V is cool. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Naw, RR wouldn't tell me to fuck off for realz any more than I would him although we may play at it from time to time. I have no problems with SL, Whispers, RR, Sixbach, Windinhishair or anyone else for that matter. I do not wish to surround myself with like-minded people all the time. Opposing views neither intimidate nor offend me. I need to be challenged, the blade stays sharp when edged against the stone.

Love em or hate em these boys will give it to you in spades.

Plus they're the impetus of my wittiest one liners and insults and they take them so well haha! Well mostly. I mean sometimes...

Plus RR has excellent taste in music and I appreciate that.

Anyway, keep it coming. I like reading what people have to say on the subject.
fun2come's Avatar
I would be OK with it, as long as they
1) Enjoy it and have FUN
2) Stay Safe
3) Do their best to stay Healthy
4) and do it VOLUNTARILY
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Depends. Dew they gotta join a union? Cuz thet's a dealbreaker right thar!
So let's push this particular question to its' ultimate taboo limit. If your daughter was hooking (with your approval) and your son a monger (again with your approval), how would you feel if he booked his sister for a session?
Who knows what we will do in any given situation until we are in the thick of it.

So by the time I have a daughter (would prefer all boys... let's say she's 18 by 2035); who knows what societal standards and the acceptance of sex work will have evolved to?

That's not much of an answer I know, but if I consider the opposing question:

Do I think it's healthy for society to lie to young girls about "Prince Charming" and "Happily ever after"?

... Maybe I could find a way to raise my daughter to become a functioning adult who can make the healthiest decision from her experiences and for her lifestyle.
Still Looking's Avatar
Interesting you feel you can speak for "everyone". Implying something and answering a question are two different things. On more then one occasion you have both implied and shared your thoughts with a flora of multi syllable vernacular depicting a world you live in that encompasses the hobby along with the real world where one reading might conclude there are streets of gold and rainbows with cotton candy being spun out of every vagina. Where penis tastes like lollipops and banana splits don't make you gain weight. I just happen to know better but I guess it's all about perception.

Nothing that my children will ever do will stop me from loving them. NOTHING! I would support them in what ever their life choices might be. My daughter NEVER found the need to hit the pole or become a hooker and if I got as much pussy as my son you guys would never hear from me again!
So let's push this particular question to its' ultimate taboo limit. If your daughter was hooking (with your approval) and your son a monger (again with your approval), how would you feel if he booked his sister for a session? Originally Posted by justabloke
If they're old enough to be "doing the damn thang" ; they shouldn't need your approval on, with whom, or for what reasons they are doing it. They're going to be having sex with someone so what's the problem with getting paid for it.

I think I will be more worried about my offsprings lifestyle (ability to sustain proper mental function) and safety more so than their job choice.

With regard to insest: I don't have a brother, but there are several web forums which provide a platform for folks to divulge their family secrets. There's some crazy stuff going on behind those manicured subdivisions.

Not judging, just saying...
Nothing that children will ever do will stop me from loving them. NOTHING! I would support them in what ever their life choices might be. Originally Posted by Still Looking