How to ask for a reference and actually get a response.

If you want an ok on a client from me please send a privet message via this site. Please do not text my phone without identifying yourself and expect me to give you a reference.

I'm sure you can see this how texting anonymously is not conducive to being a discreet lady as you could be any of the other nearly 7 billion people around.

Any other preferences ladies have with regard to how to ask for a reference, feel free to chime in.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2015, 12:40 PM
What I have found works well, and the ladies on both end seem to like:

1. Make sure you do something that will make lady #1remember you (in a good way of course). I find small hand selected gifts or cards work well.

2. When I want to use lady #1 as a reference to see Lady #2, the first thing I do is ask Lady #1 if it is alright. This confirms she hasn't retired, and more importantly reminds her who I am. If I think there is any reason she might not remember me I put enough in my note to jog her memory.

3. When Lady #1 replies--almost always affirmatively, THEN I write to Lady #2 and pass the contact info for Lady #1. This way I can make sure I tell Lady #2 the preferred communication method for Lady #1.

This has not been foolproof, but it has produced favorable results almost all the time.
That is very helpful.

It's always nice when a potential client includes links of lady #1's profile and her preferred contact info.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I personally prefer contact through PM myself.
I normally let guys know that if they want to use me as a reference to feel free. This is a hobby after all, for those that enjoy variety.
I will not give specifics of sessions and do not want them. I only ask if the guy is safe and that is the only information that I will give.
I rather girls pm me then text me, as I answer texts faster and then I know to look on eccie and see who you are
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2015, 03:38 PM
That is very helpful.

It's always nice when a potential client includes links of lady #1's profile and her preferred contact info. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
I look at it as I am the one asking for the favor, so I should make it as easy as possible on both of them.
Scarlet O'Shea's Avatar
I always PM/email. The only time I will call/text is if 1) the number is listed on her showcase & 2) I need the reference ASAP.

I generally feel the same way, I prefer PM's as it identifies the girl asking for the reference. Random phone calls where the girl doesn't identify herself at all kinda skeeve me out a little and I'm less likely to give an accurate reference. If I were a wife, that would be a great way to get info.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Have you ever had a hobbyist ask you to get a hold of another provider and vouch for him? That one is a huge no-no for me. I don't mind giving a reference but I'm not gonna do the other women's work.
If you wouldn't know me from Adam I PM you. If I don't hear from you I email and send another PM.

If I already have your number and we have texted, met, or talked before I will text you.

If your number is listed and I need the reference a bit faster, generally I will text you after I send you a PM that I disclose my phone number in so you can be sure I'm not someone's SO.

I don't mind a hobbyist sharing my phone # with other providers if they need a reference quickly. I just want the provider to PM me their number if it's not listed on their showcase since I typically check my phone more often than my inbox.
Whispers's Avatar
Not screening simplifies it all.
pyramider's Avatar
I just send dic pics.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Whut? Dic? Not yer taint?