Luncheon with trinity of DFW

direwolf17's Avatar
I live in a 3 bedroom home with a spare bedroom & bath. Rental rates could be VERY cheap. Get out of living in that incall and get away. Obviously no illegal activities allowed. Could be week to week or month to month. We'd obviously need to check compatibility....
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 05-21-2015, 10:15 AM
illuminati's Avatar
Shouldn't you charge by the hour instead??
Sounds fantastical but in reality bringing the hobby into your RW life/home is an extremely unwise move for both of you.

Providers are wonderful by the hour but inviting one to stay at your home which means bringing her personal drama and BS along with her is a huge unpleasant lesson waiting to be learned.

Also be honest with yourself about why you would want a provider to move in temporarily rather than just renting the room out to a civie.

Is it because you have hopes and expectations you're not admitting to?

It's also a no-win for the provider because once under your roof she'll have to answer to you. I think most providers would rather stay at an incall where they can call their own shots without any sense of obligation or monger pressure for favors.
Sounds fantastical but in reality bringing the hobby into your RW life/home is an extremely unwise move for both of you.

Providers are wonderful by the hour but inviting one to stay at your home which means bringing her personal drama and BS along with her is a huge unpleasant lesson waiting to be learned.

Also be honest with yourself about why you would want a provider to move in temporarily rather than just renting the room out to a civie.

Is it because you have hopes and expectations you're not admitting to?

It's also a no-win for the provider because once under your roof she'll have to answer to you. I think most providers would rather stay at an incall where they can call their own shots without any sense of obligation or monger pressure for favors. Originally Posted by Windinhishair

That's a bit insulting. If you invite anyone to live in your home, you invite them to bring their personal lives with them. Hopefully, the person you live with understands boundaries and what is appropriate to bring home to a roomate and what is not. I think referring to providers as a "class" of people with which one would not want to live is misguided.
No insult intended but in my experience it is true. A few of my closest friends are providers but I sure wouldn't live with them.

I have found providers I've made the mistake of bringing into my home on this level come with a whole shit load of hobby related personal issues, drama and a circle of visiting acquaintances that one isn't as likely to have to deal with otherwise.

Yes everyone has some degree of drama but hobby drama is a whole different reality.

Providers view their relationship with men differently than RW women do otherwise they wouldn't be able to be successful providers.

It also works the other way around. How many horror stories have we heard of providers moving in with a monger for "Cheap rent" who found he suddenly became weird or possessive when she wouldn't provide extras or act like a GF?

Think about it. A monger having to pay $300/hr for a provider turns around and offers to share his home for "Real Cheap" to providers.

What's wrong with that pic?

It also works the other way around. How many horror stories have we heard of providers moving in with a monger for "Cheap rent" who found he suddenly became weird or possessive when she wouldn't provide extras or act like a GF?

Think about it. A monger having to pay $300/hr for a provider turns around and offers to share his home for "Real Cheap" to providers.

What's wrong with that pic? Originally Posted by Windinhishair

Saw this happen to a friend of mine. She ended up with a black eye and broken ribs.
Shouldn't you charge by the hour instead?? Originally Posted by illuminati
ck1942's Avatar
imo - savvy providers already have a private residence that is separate from their incall spot. And a life private away from life hobby.

= = = = =

Ms. Moan,

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direwolf17's Avatar
I'm no pimp. Thought this suggestion might be helpful. Some already have. And I have safety measures in place. No drugs or illegal activities.