Birthday Special session?

I3ig I3ear's Avatar
Hello, I have a birthday coming up real soon and was thinking of treating myleft to a lovely lady as a sort of gift to myself. Was wondering if there are any ladies that offer a Special birthday package? No so much looking for a discount, but some sort of special session or activities for the special occasion.

Any ladies have any ideas or thoughts?

Thank you all for your time as always!

I3ig I3ear
I think Lindsey Lacy offer a Bday special
LindseyLacey's Avatar
thank-you luckjack!...
i am fond of birthdays...
birthday specials for all!...
both ladies and gentlemen...
a cocktail from the fully stocked bar...
followed by a game of pool in the game room...
licensed massage therapy...
and much the blue sky room...
something more the red room...
Yes, the RED room. Ready it for Jack's return.
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Speaking from personal experience, I can say that Lindsey's Red Room is definitely well-equipped for all things exotic, erotic, and most importantly FUN.... *good memories*.

There's quite a few ladies that offer birthday specials, myself included.

Happy Hunting!

LindseyLacey's Avatar
thank-you MarieLynn...
a thoughtful compliment...
from a beautiful lady...
Knowing both ladies and knowing the Red Room, the mind boggles.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
hey i want in on this red room!
lol seriously i want to learn about this red room and my birthday is monday
Do your self a favor, give yourself a Birthday present. The Red Room is indeed painted red and it contians all things leather, lace and latex and more toys than Condom Sense. LL also takes special requests, already happily agreed to mine (let's just say think Catholic School boy) Looking at your showcase you might enjoy her Goth Black Light Show. Just saying you deserve a day off and you will get off as in multi. Please report, inquiring perverts want to know.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
+1 with Luck Jack on that one. Lindsey would be a great birthday gift. You may try to be ready, but....
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
thank-you MarieLynn...
a thoughtful compliment...
from a beautiful lady... Originally Posted by LindseyLacey
You are most welcome sugar and thank YOU! (We must get together soon... I shall send you an email).