Erotic Monkey Going To Subscriptions

I received this bulk message from them this morning:

“As you know from our recent blog post, keeping Erotic Monkey alive and kicking isn't cheap. You won't like what we're about to say, but here we are. Due to running costs, we've had to introduce a monthly subscription.
Don't worry: a portion of the website stays free (e.g.: older reviews). This paid subscription means you get to enjoy all the many neat new features we prepared for you. To whet your appetite: instant access to the newest reviews, regional communities – think of it like Facebook groups to share escort impressions -, and so on. We'll tell you in due time about everything.”
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 07-18-2018, 11:17 AM
They could significantly lower operation costs if they removed all the stolen ads they scrape and host on their site.

With all the legit lifestyle sites I know going in the opposite direction re:reviews etc in order to protect the community... this site seems more and more suspicious. Oink.
Smpslt7's Avatar
It might be worth it if the monthly subscription rate was $000. Nawww not even then.
Lolove's Avatar
The profile displaying some of my info is stolen , some pics are of a provider friend and not me. That made me refuse to sign up with them , let alone pay them.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Damn straight!!! They make ip faje handles. Post fake reviews. And post profiles of us on their site, by stealing our pics. All without our consent.

That's nothing more than a scam site.
And now thry want money from folks. So they keep up their scam!!

They could significantly lower operation costs if they removed all the stolen ads they scrape and host on their site.

With all the legit lifestyle sites I know going in the opposite direction re:reviews etc in order to protect the community... this site seems more and more suspicious. Oink. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Randilyn's Avatar
if it weren't for us "ladies that make friends" to write about, then those sites wouldn't even be up and running....
Damn straight!!! They make up fake handles. Post fake reviews. Originally Posted by Mature Companion
I found stolen ter reviews of mine for 5 lovely companions that I've seen which are posted word for word on there. And I've already complained about it.

If EM wants people to pay for that site with $30/mo being a laughable amount, they have a lot of internal cleaning up to do to try to provide the appearance of a reputable site.
Randilyn's Avatar
I found stolen ter reviews of mine for 5 lovely companions that I've seen which are posted word for word on there. And I've already complained about it.

If EM wants people to pay for that site with $30/mo being a laughable amount, they have a lot of internal cleaning up to do to try to provide the appearance of a reputable site. Originally Posted by eastside70
they stole my ter revs .. that site its a total scam. think about this ... if they are stealing revs from other sites then what do u think they will do with ppl's payment info ... just sayin once a scam artist always a scam artist... proceed on erotic monkey with caution
they stole my ter revs .. that site its a total scam. think about this ... if they are stealing revs from other sites then what do u think they will do with ppl's payment info ... just sayin once a scam artist always a scam artist... proceed on erotic monkey with caution Originally Posted by Randilyn

I agree with everything you just wrote. There is NO WAY that I am trusting them with my payment info if they can't operste in some form of respectable way of insuring they stand on their own without stealing review and photos from other location.

I would change one thing in your comment. Change "proceed on EM with caution" to "RUN FROM EROTIC MONKEY"!!
Dr Grey's Avatar
I'm surprised there has not been a lawsuit already. I mean, doesn't it say when we sign up here that the content written here becomes, or is the property of eccie/The Company? Unless, Monkey and Eccie are the same "Company".

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I'm not a professional in this field, but they may have a case to shut this Monkey down...
The Monkey steals, but just like anywhere else, action has to be taken against them. In Dallas, police don't respond to theft calls under $50. Do you think theft of Hooker ad property is of concern to many?
they stole my ter revs .. that site its a total scam. think about this ... if they are stealing revs from other sites then what do u think they will do with ppl's payment info ... just sayin once a scam artist always a scam artist... proceed on erotic monkey with caution Originally Posted by Randilyn
I totally agree with you and wasn't going to give EM a second thought.

Then one of the very well established companions I know has kind of welcomed EM back into her good graces for now since they addressed her issues with her profile. And she's been consistently using EM ever since taking advantage of their touring schedule listing area on her profile. This left me a little confused about using EM since she's pretty business savvy.

So I looked through the reviews of the other 9 companions I've seen who are listed on there and found the 5 total stolen reviews which I informed them about.

I won't be using them much because I'm not paying their ridiculous fee to read stolen reviews let alone providing my payment info.

I guess time will tell.
I know many providers who did have a lot of trouble taking control of their listings on erotic monkey... site is indeed very suspicious!
KalyEscort's Avatar
For me, Erotic Monkey can go directly to hell.

Some photos of mine were stolen and you refused to delete. And also you ask to me to send you photos of mine to cheek that it's me for real. Go to hell idiot, who must to proof that there's the owner of the photos in every profile is the person who is creating this profile.

And was more than one time. Your site is full of fake profiles, I found 3 ladies who stolen my photos from BackPage and Chaturbate and I never been in USA.



:fu you_1:
Danielle Silver's Avatar
That site is a joke..
They have my name and my email Andy profile says A/A 5”1 and 100 lbs or something..
