Suggestion? Always like input and I'm always curious what makes you from Mars tick

Lexxxy's Avatar
So, when posting when and where I will be I like to post ahead of time at least by a week because I love prebookers. I put it on my site, I put it on on other sites, and I put it in my signature line. I was in Buffalo in the beginnig of Feb, Roch in the middle, and I am in Pittsburgh right now. I am still getting messages "Hey are you still avalable in Buffalo/Rochester?", "I haven't seen you in a while when will you be in Buffalo/Rochester?", "Hey, can I see you at 10pm tomorrow night?"(I have it posted that I leave at noon today), "Why don't you come to Rochester anymore?"...
Am I missing something? Am I doing something wrong? Am I not clear enough? Is there a local site that people use more and keep up on more frequently?
I'm being serious, I really want input. If my ads are confusing please let me know. There is always room to improve in the hobby.
Lexxxy - Your marketing skills are superb. Your itinerary is easy to understand. Keep doing what you are doing One of these days my schedule will coincide with your travel plans and I'll reach out to request some of your time. So until then stay warm, be safe, keep up the effective self promoting and I hope your birthday is / was a blast.
Boys can be very spontaneous wen it comes to sex...tho your instructions are clear, the fellas are prolly consumed with wishful thinking! So wen u can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Gotyour6's Avatar
So you in Rochester now or Buffalo?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So you in Rochester now or Buffalo? Originally Posted by Gotyour6
your kidding right mmmm if not nether errrr yup she not be at nether.

see if you use to many words is like instructions Lexxxy

real men(ones that think they are) do not(or is that can not) read instructions.
Vern0065's Avatar
Ahh some peeps just don't understand Lexxy you do a great job with your postings not sure what you could do more!! OHHH wait how bout you tattoo it too your forehead then some guys may understand!! Goodluck not sure what else you could do!!
Frankie Fine's Avatar
They call when they are in the mood ... And if you are too good they save your number and do not look at other ads anymore including yours it may actually be a compliment.

You may need to start reminding them that you post a calendar !!?
pyramider's Avatar
Butt how many ladies actually maintain their calendars? Not very many.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Some guys are probably lazy and don't always read her ads carefully.
Some guys are probably lazy and don't always read her ads carefully. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
No need to look up her itinerary in her ads:

I put it in my signature line. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Well.... you'll be surprised what can happen if you ask, especially if you ask nicely. Barring anything weird or rude, if I ask a lady for a certain request and by chance she has flexibility, we both win.

You listed as an example, you were set to leave town at noon but I wanted to see you in the evening. I may have just come across your ad that you were in town and didn't want to miss out. I could have offered an extended date to justify the hotel expense and perhaps there was demand from other clients who also missed out.

Never hurts to ask, worst you'll do is say no (and think I'm weird, put out an alert, post my handle on eccie as LE, and put me on the national blacklist!)
I don't think the signature line shows up I'm the mobile version. If you ready icky by phone like I do you never see them. I'm one of the offenders who pmed Lexxxy asking when she'd be back to BUF.
Bancroft1957's Avatar
Having worked in retail for 30 or more years, I've found that people never, and I mean never read, all the wording of a sign or advertisement. They pick out the portion that they want, and don't bother to read the rest. Case in point, your "I'll be in such and such city on X day" They only see the name of the city, and fire off their message!
Lexxxy's Avatar
Thank you all for your input. I don't mind getting messages in fact it is flattering. I just want to make sure I'm taking the right steps and not confusing anyone. Some ads are just confusing word salad, I don't even think the girls realize it, I was wondering if I had the same problem and didn't know it Lmfao.