Stalk Info?

Does anyone of you know if this works? Or is it a scam? I have no idea unfortunately as my knowledge on computers and internet data is very limited.
Thanks a lot, Nina
really no one any ideas :-( ,,,,, pretty please!!! :-)
Most likely not legit. You will sign up for "free", (and they will sell your email addy/info to spammers) and then you will see several "hits" on your name that look interesting (and are most likely fake.) If they are real, then they are people who went to this website and typed their own name in and then searched for other people through that website. You will give them your credit card info and they will sell that to the highest bidder.

If they are "legit" then they probably have ANOTHER branded website where you can "Find your lost schoolmates/friends" and that is where they get their info from, using similar tactics. Either way, I'd avoid, as the risks involved if it isn't legit far outweigh the usefullness if it is for real.
Thank you. I was curious because i am set up on a legit university page and here whenever someone googles my name i get a mail, but most likely it`s related to university work, that said. Thanks for your info, :-)
Nina, look into the TOR project to hide the other side of life.. and its not a bad idea to have an alternate ID.
TinyTawny's Avatar
I've been using for almost a year now and can confirm that it works. It's not perfectly accurate, they can't catch everyone, but it works for my name. If your name is very popular it may not work for you. But for me it does and I'm always surprised at the places my name gets googled from.